Planting saffron using hydroponic method

Planting saffron in the first irrigation method in Kashmar,Planting saffron hydroponics,Planting saffron using hydroponic method,Director of Agricultural Jihad Kashmar,hydroponics,Economical,Organic Saffron Production

Director of Agricultural Jihad Kashmar announced the planting of saffron hydroponics (air conditioning) for the first time in the city.
Sayed Abolqasem Mousavi stated: Saffron cultivation was carried out hydroponically for the first time in Kashmar. The first experience of hydroponic planting of saffron has been implemented by one of the central sector operators in September this year and is currently under exploitation.
He added: “The greenhouse, which is 100 square meters in 8 floors, can provide valuable and useful experiences for applicants. The hydroponics method or the planting system is a new method for planting some products, including saffron, which, given the maximum use of vertical and horizontal spaces in the greenhouse, can be referred to as a productive system in production.
Mousavi mentioned the main goal of implementing this plan to ensure economic justification for the system for the region’s exploiters and said: saving water consumption, optimal use of space, protecting the product from frostbite and producing organic organic saffron is one of the advantages of this method. It also plays a significant role in creating and developing domestic employment in line with the objective of the resistance economy.
He stated that the city of Kashmar had 12,300 Saffron exploited households and is located in the third place of the province with 7200 hectares of saffron; according to the current price of saffron, about 8.5 to 12.5 million USD, the revenue from it is 253 billion USD Is.