1100 hectares of agricultural land under saffron cultivation boshruyeh went
Administrator, rural livelihood boshruyeh said currently 1100 acres of land is cultivated saffron boshruyeh County.
In an interview with journalist Hossein field Iranian students News Agency (ISNA) Southern region, said: last year, 3,500 kg of Saffron was picked from the land and the value of the Rial boshruyeh products 65 billion rials, respectively.
In the field of activity of Saffron cultivation in 1700 boshruyeh face possible death penalty and added the forecast this year is 2200 kg of saffron harvest be supervised lands.
Administrator, rural livelihood and increased interest and awareness level of boshruyeh lifters who strive to promote the level of farm management, struggling with weeds and bushes with micronutrient nutrition at the right time in the different areas where sufficient water is available, including the rural livelihood policies in order to increase the quality and quantity of Saffron said.
Field noted: asthma, reduce blood lipids, lighthearted, prevention of heart disease and cancer therapeutic properties including is saffron.
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