1200 hectares of land in the qanat Baladeh under the cultivation of saffron

1200 hectares of land in the qanat Baladeh under the cultivation of saffron,cultivation of saffron,Saffron cultivation, Khorasan Jenabi Agricultural Jihad, Saffron Farms, Saffron Farms, 1200 hectares Saffron Farms,

The chairman of the Jihad-e-Agriculture Organization of Southern Khorasan said that 1200 hectares of the Qalnat Baladeh cultivated land have been established in saffron farms.
Gholamreza Ghoshi, head of the Jihad-e-Agriculture Organization of South Khorasan in Iran, said in November, on the sidelines of the visit of the Minister of Agriculture Jihad from the Qalat of Budeh Ferdows, said the number of Qanats in Baladeh has been 26 in the field, of which 16 are currently active, of which 14 are active.
He stated that the total water extracted at an aggregate point, depending on the state of the year (wet or drought), is between 250 and 80 liters per second.
The head of the Jihad-e-Agriculture Organization said the area is 400 hectares of pomegranate garden (with 1550 pomegranates) and 1,200 hectares of saffron farms (with 3,000 saffron work).
He pointed out that Qanat Baladeh is one of the most advanced systems of exploitation.
In this visit, villagers in Baladeh said of their problems to the minister, problems such as the seizure of agricultural lands by natural resources, the price of pomegranate bought by the Economic Council and the lack of an advanced irrigation system, which the Minister of Agriculture Jihad also address on the agenda of provincial authorities Gave