saffron,saffron shop,saffron iran,iranian saffronMember of the National Council of Saffron said about 15 percent of the saffron into Mass of waste that due to the frequent movement of crocus flowers at harvest time and is for processing.

Ali Hosseini said in an interview with the correspondent of Agricultural Students News Agency (ISNA) said currently four kilograms of saffron per hectare of the harvested crop, while harvested five kilograms per hectare is desirable and achievable.

He reduced the saffron harvest per unit area of product development and scarcity forces the farms to collect flowers and The displacement of several non-technical processing of the flowers in the urban peripheries said.

Vice President of the Association of South Khorasan saffron producers and exporters pointed out that last year 74 thousand hectares have been cultivated area of Saffron, said:Following the development of the saffron fields under cultivation has increased this year to 80 thousand hectares.

Hosseini said at least 300 people have this amount of acreage harvested crop which is less than the amount wonder why With abundant resources and increase the harvest acreage is down.

Saffron is a member of the National Assembly said: The land of saffron cultivation in recent decades have become integrated and the level they increased from five to 100 hectares This is the result of lack of harvest goals in a specified time period increases have been abused.

Hosseini added that the traditional lands of saffron that little more than a thousand years old and less than three hectares, whereas now the majority of saffron fields have increased to more than three hectares of saffron.

He said the harvest to reduce waste and increase yield per unit area saffron saffron quality improvement plan was implemented on a trial basis last year With the implementation of the plan and principles in the harvesting and processing of waste to zero.

Member of the National Council of saffron added that under normal circumstances of a kilo of saffron flowers are picked from 9 to 13 kg of saffron With this project the net harvest of 15 to 17 g per kg of flowers reached.

Hosseini said the plan is being implemented in 22 the production of saffron.