3000 years old saffron work experience in the country

3000 years old saffron work experience in the country,Saffron in Iran,Annual production of saffron in the world,Production of saffron in the world,Saffron cultivation,Saffron

Ali Hosseini referred to Saffron Productions in Kermanshah Chamber of Commerce in Kermanshah Chamber of Commerce for the first time of December. He said: “Of the 430 tons of annual saffron production in the world, 400 tons are produced in our country.
He announced the cultivation area of ​​saffron in the country at 120 thousand hectares and added: “Major saffron in the country is in the two provinces of South Khorasan and Razavi.
A member of the Presidium of the Saffron National Council of Iran, referring to the low yield of saffron production per unit area, added: At present, 400 tons of saffron are produced annually in the country, while this amount can be doubled without increasing the cultivar To be
He said that now more than 90 percent of the world’s saffron is produced in our country, said: “Currently, more than 50 countries in the Saffron field are among our export destinations, although this number is comparable to 180 countries worldwide There are few export targets, and we have worked poorly in this area.
Then, referring to the history of saffron in the country, he said: “The history of saffron in the country dates back three thousand years ago.
“The history of saffron cultivation shows that saffron has gone from Zagros to other parts of the country, and in view of the successive droughts to the east, Husseini said that Kermanshah has the birthplace and history of cultivating saffron cultivation in the country and even the world. The country has migrated to South Khorasan for about a thousand years.
He further noted the appropriateness of cultivating saffron in dehydrated conditions: If the cultivation of saffron was not possible, thousands of years ago, a province such as South Khorasan could not be inhabited.
Husseini continued, pointing out that at present more than 20 provinces of the country are involved with dehydration and drought, said that as more droughts increase, saffron cultivation should be developed in the country.
He stressed: Due to the climatic conditions of the country, we have to stay with saffron, because the dehydration will suffer us.
The member of the Board of Directors of the National Council of Saffron of Iran considered the best land for saffron cultivation as a sandstone, adding: “By plowing several times, the use of cow manure of 30 to 35 tons per hectare, timely cultivation and irrigation … It is possible to increase production in the control of saffron cultivation.