
South Khorasan saffron is exported to Europe are Spain and Morocco

Khorasan online -J. HERAVI raw saffron production and export of this product is one of the most important challenges and added: creation of employment opportunities in the processing industries in addition to increasing the added value of this product is Member of the Majlis Education and Research Committee expressed that are fixed and not suitable for the manufacture and export of saffron in Iran, said the country’s annual 300 tons of saffron is exported in raw form.

HERAVI said Iran, while the first world producer red gold (saffron), the export of the product to the European countries lagging behind as other countries with good packaging and processing industries with the help of saffron have been able to value-added and have a good foreign exchange for the country.

He added: saffron for proper planning is not done, unfortunately, still lower than production and consumption of saffron in the country are urged to traditional methods.

Representative of South Khorasan, the Islamic Consultative Assembly said, are prepared saffron, saffron and others that the monopoly of genetic international recognition saffron should be done as soon as saffron Iran’s real position is.

HERAVI said that saffron is one of four lucrative and strategic South Khorasan in the development of non-oil exports, said the brand of this product is required today and also due to the low level Bkhvah of this plant cultivated in the province be increased.

Hashem Valipour absolute head of South Khorasan Agriculture Organization recently said this year 53 tons of saffron from 141 thousand and 31 hectares of cultivation of this plant will be harvested in the figure to 93 years, seven increased.

The number of beneficiaries of this product by 35 thousand 830 people noted that most of the city Ghayenat saffron is cultivated surface.