31 amazing benefits of saffron for skin, hair and health

31 amazing benefits of saffron for skin, hair and health

What we know as saffron in the market in the sector like the flowers that have many health benefits and health. Saffron is one of the world’s most expensive flavors and almost all of its production process is done by hand. Of the reasons for its distinctive taste and health properties of the saffron can be pointed out the stuffing.

In many cultures around the world can be local food commands a special place for saffron and its unique flavor considered. The taste thanks to the presence of chemical compounds such as picrocrocin and safranal most in small flowers. The main benefits of this plant can be used to treat conditions such as in asthma, coughs and colds, stomach problems, insomnia, uterine bleeding, cancer, Alzheimer’s, infertility, flatulence, cholesterol and so on. Saffron contains more than 150 value combinations that are beneficial for overall health. The seasoned widely in Iran, Turkey, Greece, France, Italy, Jammu and Kashmir, India is growing. The world belongs to our country enjoyed 90% of Iran’s saffron.

Fantastic benefits of saffron

1 saffron to prevent hair loss: use of saffron on the scalp can be a cure for baldness. A mixture of saffron, milk and licorice can be a good combination to prevent hair loss and hair growth is better. This combination is also stimulating hair growth.

2. Saffron for clear skin to clear skin will benefit the use of saffron. It is suggested that in order to have better skin, a combination of saffron strands, 3 tablespoons of milk and one teaspoon of sandalwood powder mixed together and put a mask on the face. Then some skin with this mask, massage and then leave it on the skin for 15 minutes. It is better to have a smooth and clear skin once a week to do it again.

3. saffron for glowing skin: 4 to 5 strands of saffron in a little water, soak for two to three hours. Then this liquid to a slow and soft massage to define. After 5 minutes your skin, rinse with cold water. This process should be repeated two to three times a week.

4. Saffron is good for pimples: a paste of saffron (about 10 degree) and basil leaves (6 to 7 leaves) purchase. This paste on your face and rinse after 10 minutes. This is to prevent acne, pimples, blemishes and wrinkles on the face is black and the rest of the treatment.

5. saffron as antioxidants: Saffron has a lot of antioxidants that can compete with free radicals and help prevent diseases and improve the health status helps.

6. saffron heart rate control: the potassium in saffron is very useful for controlling heart rate and heart rate decreases protected.

7. saffron for blood pressure medicines Fennel contains many minerals such as copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc. Some of these elements are useful for controlling blood pressure as well as the formation of hemoglobin is greater.

8. To avoid Cancer Saffron: Saffron contains a biochemical compounds such as lycopene, carotene and zeaxanthin, alpha and beta blockers that all Qadrtnd moderating role assumed safety and secure the human body against cancer.

9. saffron as reducing stress is caused saffron carotenoids boost immune levels and greatly reduce pressures Akydant.

10. antidepressant Saffron: Saffron containing alpha-crocin is safranal and oily compounds are unstable and are very effective in controlling depression and even act as an anti-seizure either. Saffron joy and wisdom of the body is a gift.

11. To avoid diseases saffron: Saffron contains many chemical compounds that can act as antioxidants and compete with many pathogens, the control of free radicals, resulting in better general health of the person.

12. saffron for detoxification: It’s very therapeutic applications and acts as a detoxifying the body. Saffron is also a great healing effects in the treatment of body, nausea, muscle spasms, and so on.

13. saffron is useful for digestive presence of pharmaceutical compounds and anti-seizure saffron seasoning makes it very useful for digestion. Saffron stimulates digestion. It is suggested that a combination of a liter of water with a warm saffron consumption to strengthen your stomach performance. Saffron is also an enlargement of the liver and it is useful Thal.

14. saffron is useful for cell function: thanks to numerous macro- and micro-nutritional compounds, particularly potassium and magnesium, saffron is beneficial for the growth of cells and tissues. The stuffing also useful in the treatment and repair of cells in the body.

15 for the formation of hemoglobin Saffron: Saffron contains iron, which is quite useful for blood hemoglobin.

16. saffron for public health presence of minerals like copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium and selenium improves the general health of the body.

17. saffron for a pretty pink bathroom with saffron threads (20 to 30-minute soak saffron threads in water) can improve your complexion.

18. saffron for pain management: Since ancient times, saffron was used as a pain reliever. Also, the stuffing in the form of tea or mix with milk can reduce monthly menstrual pains.

19. saffron for toothache: saffron and honey massage teeth and gums can reduce pain. In addition to the soothing sound of mouth with honey or glycerin can be used.

20. saffron to have a healthy mouth: Saffron is one of the few vegetable crops that can be considered the biggest source of vitamin B2 or riboflavin. Continued use of saffron prevent sore throat, swelling of the tongue, cracked lips, burning and cracked skin.

21. As housing Saffron: Saffron contains a combination of sedative called safranal a huge impact on the nervous system and housing that is very powerful.

22. saffron for colds when Saffron (half to one gram) with hot water (one liter) is mixed drink, can be useful in the treatment of coughs and colds.

23. The increases immune saffron: Saffron contains a decent amount of vitamin C as a means of enhancing the body’s immune function and protects against disease-causing viruses.

24. Fatigue: Due to the unique flavor of saffron, the spice in many recipes there are food and refreshment can also be useful.

25. The nutritional values ​​of saffron: 28 grams of saffron contains these ingredients: 87 calories, 18 grams carbohydrate, 3 grams of protein and one gram of fiber.

26. saffron for muscle problems: saffron to treat age-related muscle analysis is useful. This analysis process reduces the filling not only treatment but also helps cell damage.

27. Saffron to increase male fertility: the stuffing is useful for increasing male power. Even this magical plant can also increase energy and sexual performance of older people.

28. saffron for neurological problems from ancient times to the use of neuro-cognitive benefits of saffron can put it on the forehead.

29. saffron for menstruating women to control and reduce bleeding during menstrual cycle women’s saffron is used.

30. Arthritis Saffron: Saffron Ayurvedic doctors prescribe for patients with arthritis. This sauce is also useful for asthma control and helps to breathe better.

31. saffron for pregnancy saffron milk consumption during pregnancy to increase blood flow and reduce pelvic nausea is very good. These problems are very common during pregnancy. Drinking milk also stimulates the production of serotonin in the body and saffron that control mood swings, tension, stress and maternal depression has a significant role during the months of pregnancy.

Do you have in your diet, use of saffron? What properties can count the red gold?