72 tons of saffron onion seed distribution in areas prone to Ardabil

72 tons of saffron onion seed distribution in areas prone to Ardabil

Head of Agricultural Jihad Organization of Ardabil from 72 onion seeds distribution in areas prone Ardabil province during last year’s Saffron.

According to the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), Ardabil, “Adil survey” in the meeting of the Planning and Development presented a report Ardabil province and the most important programs of the Fifth Development Plan Development plan sixth Ardabil province’s agricultural sector, said the total agricultural land in Ardebil 778 thousand hectares, which is ranked first in the country’s agriculture is allocated.

He added that the total value of agricultural products to produce 309 million tons is more than 40 billion dollars, said the share of agricultural sector in GDP of 28%.

The survey stated that one-third of workers in the agricultural sector, he said the crop pattern Committees have been active in provincial and district collaboration with research institutions and free City cropping patterns developed and published.

Head of Agricultural Jihad Organization of Ardabil province distributed 72 tons of saffron onion seeds in areas prone province announced last year and said the development of pistachio orchards, 25 thousand seedlings distributed in the province that has been a positive approach.

He stated that one hundred percent of domestic production of beet seed, sorghum seed 100% domestic production and 80 percent of corn seed demand in the country is produced in Ardabil province, said Ardabil Province ranked first in production of lentils and canola country, potato and soya second in the country, The third-country honey, wheat ranks fourth in the country, ranking second in buffalo breeding country, ranking fifth in the country and the sugar beet crops seventh country to be allocated.

The survey said that in 1391 the majority of development projects in agriculture were sedentary or semi active, said first unit has already constructed underground drainage Bileh Savar second priority with 10% physical progress is ongoing.

Head of Agricultural Jihad Organization said Ardebil province: Due to funding the implementation of agricultural irrigation systems through the funds of the National Development Fund and its implementation at the level of 62 thousand hectares of land in the province four years amounted to 13 thousand, 700 billion a by the Ministry of Agriculture action , which documents 12 500 hectares with 2000 billion rials credit is underway.

He said that this year the week of production in the agricultural sector, 32 projects and 23 development projects came into operation, said: Compared with 1391, funding development of the agricultural sector has grown 3.7 times.

The survey his speech of 50 billion dollars of debt over the last two days had been farmers.