Khosravi management saffron exports led to a five-fold exchange technology

Khosravi management saffron exports led to a five-fold exchange technology

Representative Torbat, Mahvelat and Zaveh in Parliament said the arrival of saffron to the stock market influences.

A. Khosravi in ​​an interview with Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) Khorasan region stated: The saffron process from planting to packaging and export and processing it can flourish is an important fruit of this city.

He pointed to a conspiracy hegemony in oil prices added, given that 90% of world consumption of saffron produced in Iran, we can manage and export of this product correctly, exchange technology for the country.

He said, for connecting supply chain to export saffron, the government can manage the product strategy, an important part of the country’s economic problems to solve.

The members of the Education and Research Committee of Parliament said the annual total of 250 tons of saffron is produced in Khorasan Razavi product is 200 tons. But due to lack of Iranian saffron more specifically in charge of the product is exported to foreign countries en masse by speculators.

He continued: Now, with the sale of bulk saffron $ 350 million increased by dealers in Iran, but with proper packaging and the legal export of the Islamic Republic of Iran by name, the amount rises to five times.

He pointed out that “95 percent red gold production in the world,” he said, after years of saffron cultivation in the country is still unable to export saffron we established international exchange.

Khosravi said entry’s saffron export commodity exchange can affect world markets and to export a large part of this production, save the country from dependence on oil.

He cultivated area of ​​62 hectares mentioned saffron in Iran and said the saffron cultivated area in Torbat 21 hectares with production capacity of 75 tons of dried saffron a year, so the city turned to the production of saffron in the country and the world is.

He said: saffron provides jobs for more than 20 thousand households in Torbat, Zaveh and Mahvelat in South Khorasan, which should look into this matter and to allow the scientific view that job creation in the country’s further development.

Khosravi pointed to some problems in the fields of saffron is said to overcoming the difficulties farmers have Fund saffron as national capital and speculators and profiteers of the market for this product is short.