172 kg of saffron in this province this year

172 kg of saffron in this province this year

Deputy Director of Horticulture Agriculture Organization of Hamedan province said projected to be in the current crop year produced 172 kg of saffron in the province.

According to the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), Hamedan, “Rahimibayat” fifth Sunday of August this year, reporters, said that last year 162 kilograms of saffron was produced from 48 hectares of cultivated area, said projected acreage this product In the year to 53 hectares increased and the product to reach 172 kg.

He pointed out that the total acreage of about 79 hectares of saffron in 91 years with a production of 60 tons, said the main producer of this plant by 78 percent and South Khorasan Razavi Khorasan Province with 18 percent and four percent of The province of Kerman, Isfahan, Hamedan, Khorasan and Fars.

He said that saffron is modest compared to other plants, he said: It is very durable and lasting between five and 10 years in the soil, but the deal between three and seven years.

Bayat, proliferation of saffron bulbs to plant one of the most important benefits outlined and said the cost of planting the first year of this product is high, as it requires three to five tonnes per hectare onion. Given that many workers have also picked up this product requires, so it should be taken as a family.

He pointed out that in the past, the facilities for saffron five million dollars, but in recent years the design of the facility can be used 10 to 15 million USD of Agriculture.

He saffron plant Zanbaqian family, he said the main origin of this plant is Asia and Iran and China, as the country is between 80 to 89 percent of the world’s first manufacturer.

According to Bayat, the owners of saffron in the world after China and Iran, Morocco, Pakistan and Italy, followed by China, Afghanistan, America, Argentina, Myanmar and to a lesser extent their production.

Saffron is the main source of Hamadan in history
Deputy Director of Horticulture Agriculture Organization of the province dating back several thousand years old, referring to saffron, saffron Hamadan Median time is the main source of history, as the names of some villages of Hamadan as saffron spring and Rud Avar Tuyserkan of this plant originated.

He pointed out that the climate for the cultivation of temperate and semi-warm with mild winters and hot dry summers, although saffron plant resistance against cold weather.

According to Bayat, saffron in the sandy soil and clay soil is light and well before planting saffron bulbs in the soil with the use of a fungicide totally disinfected, because the mice as the main enemy of this plant diseases fungal lurk.

He saffron harvest time in early November to the end of this month as saying: life cycle of saffron is exactly the opposite of other crops, as this plant is in the spring to autumn and winter is green!

Per hectare of cultivated area, five to six kilograms of saffron cultivation
Five to 6 kg yield per hectare of the plant, he said and added that although the country bulbs provide your required of our country and recently has also increased, but the yield of this crop in the country is 10 kg, As farm management, soil, timely watering and fertilizer to increase the yield per hectare is effective.

He pointed out that certain restrictions for non-crop areas of the province did not, he said, the city’s culture, in Tuyserkan and Skinheads have been cultivated since ancient times and in Malayer It also has acreage to 20 hectares .

Bayat pointed out that most of saffron production in the province is only Self, said: Unfortunately, saffron production is exported to Spain and then packaging it is sold in other countries.

He continued: Spanish method is also a method of drying flowers so that within 30 to 60 minutes to get the job done. The traditional method lasts between eight to 12 days.