Red gold in the past year ...

Red gold in the past year …

Iran with an annual production of more than 250 tons of saffron more than 95 percent of this precious product is the world’s first producer of saffron in the world, but how packaging, marketing, and hand in hand to the Iranian Red Gold com Other countries such as Spain go.

Agricultural journalists to report Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), while the most trouble for Iran is drawn in red gold and 170 grain farmers have long hours of stigma, cut flowers and dry with high sensitivity, increased value added product Countries such as Spain as the largest importer of Iranian saffron.

75 thousand hectares of saffron cultivation in the southern provinces of Khorasan and that last year more than 240 tons was extracted from this level due to the appreciation and demand for this product in the international market this year, more than 250 tons of production saffron.

50% increase in export tariffs saffron and exotic
However, according to the latest customs statistics, 111 thousand and 552 kg of saffron and saffron powder worth 349 million 551 thousand and 622 dollars in 10 months of this year exported 50% more than the same period last year, but some policies such as tariff for This valuable export product has caused 64% of 10 to 30 grams of saffron in the package will be sent to the United Arab Emirates and Spain, and after opening the package in the destination countries, with name and brand into global markets.

30 g of the product as a bulk export duties of five per cent set for the export of agricultural products but there is no such definition.

Ali Hosseini said should be used to determine the applicant’s saffron more than 50 countries carried out extensive field work to be done properly for the supply and export of policy.

Saffron cultivation started in 15 provinces
Regarding the domestic market and foreign production of saffron in the past year to ISNA said this saffron in the province of Khorasan continued growing at a rate based on official statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture area under cultivation in the past crop year 83 hectares of which over 90 years has increased by about 10 percent.

Member of the National Council of saffron added, saffron is currently limited to the two provinces northeast of the country but its cultivation in 15 provinces including Yazd, Isfahan, Kerman, Azerbaijan, Tehran, Arak, Qom, Semnan and … Started is.

Hosseini said that saffron cultivation requires less water than other crops, said the drought and low rainfall in recent years caused many farmers to turn saffron and a modicum of cultivation and production have a strategic role but it is better to different areas of its potential use for the cultivation of agricultural products.

Yield reduction and climate change affect production
Vice President of the Association of South Khorasan saffron producers and exporters said. According to the conditions of production and increased cultivation of saffron predicted, about 300 tons of saffron is harvested from farms in the country, but the production is subject to many factors such as reduced performance saffron centers, heat and high temperatures to about 250 tonnes.

He added that the situation was satisfying production for farmers in the world’s saffron production has ups and downs and production in different countries show that Iran is the only producer supplying about 95 percent of the saffron crocus but despite the fact that many competitors are producing the world’s saffron that should not be underestimated.

Hosseini said that currently no country in terms of quantity and quality and price competitiveness with Iran, and Iran as long as it is in power, will be the top producers and exporters of rose gold.

Member of the National Assembly said that the saffron crocus stay balanced price, the production and export of this product is relative stability, said the price of saffron from the beginning of the year has increased by about 100 per cent and the pound two million and 200 thousand dollars to four million and reached 200 thousand dollars, but the price increase taken in while the price per kilogram of saffron in the world market remained unchanged and even declined.

He added: saffron crocus prices in international markets due to exchange rate changed, the price of the product suits over the previous year with a decrease of 50 percent from 2200 to $ 2,500 last year to 1,300 kg to 1,500 dollars .

Vice President of the Association of South Khorasan saffron producers and exporters said saffron as a strategic and valuable product policy has always false producers, exporters or the government, but have domestic and foreign market this product with careful planning and constant control and allow to supply and demand determine the price.

Saffron comprehensive plan awaits funding
Hussein comprehensive plan Saffron also said the only news associated with this project promises by state officials to be heard but not implemented in practice because not financed.

Smuggling Iranian saffron bulbs to Afghanistan from neighboring countries such as saffron problems last year, although it can not compete with Iranian saffron is, however, competitors should not be overlooked, however small production and, above all, the saffron bulbs Iranian agricultural sector and farmers’ wealth is to prevent the withdrawal of the product to the necessary authorities.