saffron flake esfahani Recipe,saffron flake esfahani,saffron flake,sugar, water

saffron flake esfahani Recipe

ingredients :

  • Sugar = 1 cup (150 g)
  • Water = 1/2 cup (80 ml)
  • Grape Vinegar = 1/4 cup (40 ml)
  • Saffron (mixed with hot water) = 1 soup spoon (14 ml)

Instruction :

Place sugar, water and vinegar on a gentle heat to make sugar. Try not to overheat the material.
Add saffron. To test it, you can pour a little of it with a spoon on ice, if it breaks quickly and becomes brittle, it is ready.
Take it out of the heat. Pour a soup spoon onto pre-greased aluminum paper to cool down.
Note: If the flake stays high, it will take a bitter taste and will not become brittle if the time is too high.