Bean rice with muscle Saffron Recipe,Bean rice with muscle,Rice Image with Muscle,Cooking with saffron

Bean rice with muscle Saffron Recipe

ingredients :

  • Persian rice = 1000 g
  • Sheep muscle = 500 grams
  • Dried dill = 300 g
  • Green Iranian Bean = 400 grams
  • Fried Onion (Medium) = One Numeric
  • Saffron = 1 teaspoon
  • Grape seed oil (liquid oil) = 1 cup
  • Salt and pepper = to the desired value

Instruction :

Separate the muscle fats. Clean the muscles with fried onions and salt and pepper and oil at a very low temperature for 45 minutes to one hour. Soak the water for 10-15 minutes in the water. Cook rice according to a slice of dish. Add the vinegar for two minutes before rinsing. Gently rinse rice and berry. ¼ cup of water and oil in a pot and heat. At the same time, pour rice and beans and dill into the pot. After a few minutes, cover the pot with a blender or two layers of towel cloth. Mix saffron with a hot water spoon. Mix 6 spoons of rice in a separate container. Pour the rice in the container and add the saffron impregnated rice to it.