Cultivation of saffron is prone to serious damage , Cultivation of saffron at risk of serious damage, Saffron harvest, Cultivation of saffron, Economic prosperity in saffron, Medicinal plants, Saffron at risk of serious damage, Cultivation of saffron at risk of damage

Cultivation of saffron is prone to serious damage

The governor of South Khorasan said: in South Khorasan, more than 15,000 hectares of saffron are cultivated, but due to successive droughts and its continuation, saffron cultivation will be damaged in this province.

Parvizi in a joint meeting of members of the Water and Agriculture Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly with the House of Representatives and the Chamber of Commerce of Khorasan Razavi said: In South Khorasan more than 15,000 hectares of saffron is cultivated, but due to successive droughts and its continuation saffron cultivation in this province will be damaged . You can not expect anything to happen. The Ministry of Agriculture, the Chamber of Commerce, etc. should look for saffron cultivation in the provinces that have the necessary conditions.

He continued: South Khorasan has difficult conditions. This also damages the saffron-related food industry. There are problems in the administrative and legislative system of the country that sometimes regulations and laws are passed that are unprofessional and emotional. For example, the Ministry of Energy was legally authorized to license all 25-year-old illegal wells.

We are still blocking illegal wells, Parvizi said. The dams that were damaged were under pressure from political forces or members of parliament. Legislation should be such that its negative effects are not seen in the future. The executive sometimes violates these rules. The Chamber of Commerce should review these overlapping rules to change these.

The governor of South Khorasan, stating that there should be stability in the field of incentives and exemptions, noted: Sometimes these incentives are easily corrected and changed, and this scares the investor.We are ready to help with the conversion and processing industries as well as branding.

Referring to the comprehensive plan of saffron, Parvizi said: We are ready to provide joint credit with the help of the chamber so that this plan can be done. The parliament should also help us in this plan so that the executive bodies can implement the law.