Transformation industries are a way to save saffron , Transformation industries to save saffron, Saffron harvest, Saffron cultivation, Economic prosperity in saffron, Medicinal plants, Saffron rescue, Transformation industries

Transformation industries are a way to save saffron

Gholamreza Miri, referring to the 15 to 20 percent reduction in the price of saffron, said: This price reduction is the result of an increase in the area under cultivation of this product and the lack of exports due to the prevalence of corona.

Regarding other reasons for reducing the price of saffron, he added: Irregular cultivation of saffron in different provinces, complete supply of the world market and increase of existing saffron and the strictness of the Central Bank for exports are among these reasons.

Vice President of the National Saffron Council continued: Saffron cultivation industry should go to conversion industries and saffron should not be exported raw, but the entry of this technology into the country is time consuming, but the saffron industry in the country should be like countries that produce saffron raw. They buy from us to go to the conversion industries.

Miri stated: there should be an interaction between the producer and the universities so that the saffron industry moves towards the production of conversion industries, and in this case, if there is a surplus of production, it will be solved in the production industries.

Regarding the return of export currency, he said: Currently, saffron is given between $ 500 and $ 750, while the Central Bank demands the return of currency with the amount of $ 1,300 saffron, which makes this export process of no value to the exporter.

The Vice President of the National Saffron Council, in response to how long the process of reducing the price of saffron continues, said: Exporters and official institutions are trying to stop this price reduction.

However, the price of saffron has dropped sharply, which has hurt farmers, Miri said, adding that crop supplies have increased two to three times.Transformation industries are a way to save saffron , Transformation industries to save saffron, Saffron harvest, Saffron cultivation, Economic prosperity in saffron, Medicinal plants, Saffron rescue, Transformation industries