Torbat representative:
Saffron and silk Torbat be supported
Representative in Parliament Torbat said saffron and silk Torbat be supported.
A. Khosravi SAHLABAD in an interview with Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) Khorasan Razavi said the government in order to fulfill the president’s campaign rhetoric, especially economic problems, inflation, job creation and unemployment is far from political affiliation and factional with determination of priorities of its program to meet the legitimate demands of the people and the demands of leadership.
He said to expect the leadership and people of wisdom and hope the president and the government realized the economic saga is very important slogan.
Sahlabad Khosravi said today the problem of unemployment, inflation, lack of support from production and closure is contracting and construction projects.
He said the government approved steel projects, hospital beds 32 Zaveh city, urban furniture and executive and operationalize help yet.
Representative Torbat, Zaveh rural teacher martyr city airport Maholat rulers of the province’s priorities in this regard have not been treated fairly and lack of support from saffron and silk brings a lot of damage to the province’s economy.
House Committee on Education and Research, said in a foreign policy debate effective and active government approach has been positive, and the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran takes another look at the world was created, today the world has concluded that Iran’s without problems In particular, the current crisis will not be solved without a finger Iranian artist.
Sahlabad Khosravi said admirable things the eleventh state of harmony and unity between the executive and legislative branches and the judiciary look reasonably quiet and a bachelor’s in business administration and in the control of inflation and market issues of the positive steps had been removed.
Member of the Chamber of Deputies Khorasan Razavi said, but problems such as the debate on the government’s eleventh into the basket of goods was very poor in active discussion of the project and the allocation of funds to the six months of the year is passing on the funds is not This action must be jihadists.
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