75% of saffron produced in Iran is exported to 5 continents , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Saffron harvest , Saffron Export, Iranian Saffron Export

75% of saffron produced in Iran is exported to 5 continents

Farhad Saharkhiz stated: Since the 80s, there was a great competition between Iran and Spain in the discussion of saffron industry and the Spaniards believed that they are the first and the best in this field and even did wrong things to destroy Iran, but these measures It was unbelievable for anyone and it was proved to everyone that Iranian saffron is the best in the world in this industry and currently 75% of the produced saffron is exported abroad and the remaining 25% is supplied inside the country.

Saharkhiz stated: Khorasan Razavi House of Industry, Mining and Commerce is the largest supporter of active industrial units in the industrial towns of the province and we thank the officials of this complex for this and really need the support of all officials, especially the government and the ministry. We are industry, mining and trade.

He emphasized: For the first time, the members of the Iranian Crop Association participated in domestic and foreign exhibitions together and together they offer their best products to the people.

A member of the board of directors of the Iranian Saffron Export Development Fund pointed out that one of the most important problems in double and multiple encounters was: Saffron is a special product with special sensitivities and special supervision has been emphasized in the Iranian Saffron Export Development Association and we hope This attention should be paid to the officials and they should pay special attention to the issue of mandatory product standard in order to support the producer of a healthy product and the health of the society.

Saharkhiz said: We must look beyond crude oil and move towards the development of non-oil exports and production of organic products and supervision from farm to supply, and certainly a capable Iranian can be successful and proud at some point, and it is not that it relies solely on oil. An example of this is the production of quality saffron, which is exported to countries on five continents, and one of the most important audiences and consumers of Iranian products are the Japanese, who attach great importance to health and do not import any products into our country and do not provide them to their compatriots.

He added: Officials should be really supportive and supportive of producers in the year of supporting Iranian goods, and one of the most important concerns of producers is the exchange rate fluctuations and instability, which has created many problems for red gold exporters and slowed down the export process of this product. And this problem has been created for farmers and saffron producers, and among other problems, we can mention banking, insurance and tax issues.