Purchased 765 tons of saffron from farmers in North Khorasan
The director general of North Khorasan Rural Cooperative said: 765 tons of saffron were purchased from farmers in the province this year.
Ramezani emphasized that if the government had not entered the field to buy saffron this year, saffron growers would have faced many problems, stating: So far, demands have been paid to buy 290 kilograms of saffron in the province.
He added: payment for the purchase of 505 kg of saffron remains, which will be paid as soon as possible.
Ramezani, stating that the supportive purchase of saffron created a very good opportunity for North Khorasan, continued: The best advantage was that the necessary laboratory for the study and quality of saffron in the province is set up, which is currently being equipped.
He stated: On the other hand, training will be done during the harvest in the coming years to harvest saffron with the best quality.
The official stated that this year the government bought saffron from farmers at four prices: The bulk of the saffron in this province was purchased at the highest price of 10 million and 500 thousand tomans.
He said: Of course, a small amount of saffron was returned, partly because the farmer did not accept the announced figure and partly did not meet the required standards.
The director general of the North Khorasan Rural Cooperative pointed out: 1,030 kilograms of saffron had been delivered to the General Administration for support purchase, of which 276 kilograms were returned and 765 tons were purchased.
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