5 tons of saffron bulbs were smuggled

5 tons of saffron bulbs were smuggled

Director of the Office for Combating Trafficking in goods aimed at the headquarters of the fight against smuggling, the smuggling of more than five tons of saffron bulbs to Afghanistan in the first half of the year, especially the news, saying: According to smuggle milk, to warn people Do not buy this product from grocery stores and vendors and product health issue to be considered.

Abbas Nakhaei at a press conference said that the discoveries of horticultural crops, especially citrus fruits was high in the first quarter of the year, said the discoveries fell in the second quarter of the Headquarters for Combating smuggling in the region aimed at projects that did lead to reduce the smuggling of citrus, particularly in southern border.

He said that the growth of illicit crops, we added products such as rice, a variety of beans, peanuts, garlic, sesame and herbs A total of about five million and 210 thousand kilograms was discovered in the first half of this year and the highest rice with three million and 507 kg respectively.

Discovered 738 smuggling thousands of kilograms of medicinal plants in the first half of the year

Nakhaei stated that half of the year 320 thousand kg of oranges, limes and 56 thousand 147 thousand kilograms and 400 kilograms of tangerines was discovered, the execution of 100% of the news items stating: According to Article 12 of the Plant Protection Act and theIn addition, with citrus Mediterranean fruit fly is usually imported, so from two perspectives, one for men and the other is the possibility of contamination forced to citrus orchards are destroyed.

Director of Anti-Smuggling Headquarters aimed at combating smuggling goods expressed in terms of standards organizations and the Ministry of Health for the rice to crops for human consumption there, said the ban on imports of tropical fruits that course through cooperatives frontier and this is done with a certain ceiling.

He also said that our main focus on the southern part of the country, said the southern border of goods from Egypt, South Africa, Latin America, the Persian Gulf states and from the river loaded and then smuggled into the country In this section we increased our control.

The discovery of 214 thousand heads of livestock, heavy

Nakhaei yet the discovery of about 214 thousand head of cattle and 26 thousand and 600 heavy and light trap some birds and poultry in half beginning of announced and added: Of course birds are often trafficked to Persian Gulf countries taken all birds after the discovery of the EPA data.

Name of the animal with greater priority

We hope that the Ministry of Agriculture to act quickly in this area.

Nakhaei said other crops as well as some items like sesame, and despite the fact that imports do not prohibitive control trafficking of Sistan-Baluchestan, which were also the subject of control.

He stated that the lack of regulation in the Persian date Bahman 1393 problems in citrus fruits that have led Eve, said, according to the task of July this year the government began planning for the fruit Eve and I think it is the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Jihad

People refrain from buying milk from grocery stores and vendors

Make sure you buy from pharmacies that do not work and health and insert the number of items that must be considered.

He said in part of his speech: we demand from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, the National Standard is based on the minimum requirements for internal measures that products are healthy enough to reach consumers.