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Cultivation of saffron from 15 hectares in Eshtehard city

The director of Eshtehard agricultural jihad said: saffron is cultivated in 15 hectares of agricultural lands of this city.

Mohammad Reza Mirzaei stated: In recent years, we have witnessed a decrease in rainfall in Eshtehard.

He continued: The decrease in rainfall has caused Eshtehardi farmers to face many problems in cultivating their crops.

The director of Eshtehard Agricultural Jihad added: this water shortage has caused some of the farmers of this city to cultivate water-less crops, including saffron.

Mirzaei added: Saffron cultivation has started in the central areas of Eshtehard seven years ago and now 15 hectares of the agricultural lands of this city are dedicated to the cultivation of this crop.

The official explained: If the trend continues in the same way, 20 hectares of land in this city will be planted with saffron soon.

Director of Eshtehard Agricultural Jihad said: Saffron is a durable and compatible product and needs less yield compared to many products.

Mirzaei reminded: Due to the reduction of water resources from year to year, farmers should consider the use of modern irrigation systems in addition to cultivating low-water crops in order to have sustainable employment and income generation.