230 tons of saffron is produced annually in Iran , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Saffron harvest, saffron export, Iranian saffron export

230 tons of saffron is produced annually in Iran

With the increase of saffron production and export, the price of this product will be reduced by 100%.

Rezaei – President of the Saffron Exporters Union – in forecasting saffron production this year, said:
Due to good rainfall, we predict that saffron production will reach 220 to 230 tons with a significant increase compared to last year.

He added:
Considering that about 97% of the world’s saffron consumption is produced in our country,
with the increase in production and consequently the increase in exports,
this year we will definitely face a decrease in the price of this product and the departure of intermediaries.

Rezaei mentioned the increase in the price of saffron up to two million and 500 thousand tomans in words and said:
these prices are mentioned, but no one in the market buys saffron at these prices and none of the buyers are willing to buy this product at such a price.
; Because if the purchase and sale of saffron continues at these prices,
other goods such as additive dyes will replace saffron and the consumer will not turn to saffron.

The head of the Saffron Exporters Union said that the increase in saffron prices was one of the reasons for the 90% decrease in saffron exports,
The increase in the price of this product is not justified for our saffron buyer countries
and it is difficult for European countries to digest these prices.

He reminded:
When the government was supposed to prevent the reduction of the price of this product below 400 thousand Tomans,
people who have no expertise and experience in this field, bought saffron by selling a part of their property, which is still saffron.
The purchased remains in their hands and they are not able to sell it at high prices. In this regard, the price of this product should be low;
Because even with 10 to 11 thousand tomans in weight, domestic consumption had dropped sharply.

He added:
While many shops in the country used to sell at least five kilograms of their product per month, now they are not able to sell even 200 grams of fish.