Cultivation of red gold (saffron) in the basin of Lake Urmia , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Saffron harvest, saffron export, Iranian saffron export

Cultivation of red gold (saffron) in the basin of Lake Urmia

Rasoul Jalili, stating that saffron is one of the most important export products of Iran,
with the production and export of which significant foreign exchange enters the country every year, said:
In recent years, the area under cultivation of this product in the province has reached about 48 hectares and its yield to An average

The head of the West Azerbaijan Agricultural Jihad called saffron the best alternative and profitable option for farmers and said:
From agricultural products, it does not need irrigation and is a strategic plant to get rid of water shortage crisis.

He continued:
Last year, about 70 kg of saffron was harvested from the fields under cultivation of this crop, and the cities of Urmia,
Naqadeh, Miandoab, Shut, Piranshahr and Salmas have the highest area under cultivation of this crop in the province.

Jalili added:
Saffron is one of the medicinal plants and the development of cultivation of water-deficient medicinal plants is also one
of the priorities of the Jihad Agricultural Organization.

It should be noted that saffron flower is used for medicinal and food purposes and grows well in areas with mild winters and hot
and dry summers, and this plant has a high resistance to cold, but because its growing season coincides with autumn and winter.
And it is early spring, so these days it needs suitable and moderate weather.