Harvesting 330 kg of saffron in Marand city of East Azerbaijan
The director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Marand city said:
city with 110 hectares of land under saffron cultivation is a suitable place for planting
this valuable and strategic crop in terms of potential talents in terms of agriculture.
Rahimzadeh added:
It is predicted that about 330 kg of saffron will be harvested from the farms of Marand
city this year, and the average harvest of saffron from each hectare is 3 to 4 kg.
He also pointed to the job creation of this product in city and added:
Every hectare of saffron generates employment for two people annually,
so that in the harvest stage of this product,
but due to the low water requirement of this product, which is two per year.
Or three times saffron growers do not want to change their irrigation method.
The director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Marand city also said:
Jihad Keshavarzi is pursuing so that the saffron farmers of this city are supported
by the insurance of agricultural products and it is hoped that the insurance obligation
of these farmers will be determined in the next two weeks.
Rahimzadeh, pointing out that there are three saffron cooperatives with about 200 farmers in Marand city, said:
Lack of access to banking facilities and lack of technical facilities are the main problems of these farmers.
He added: There are two saffron packaging units in city and this product is exported to other provinces and even Turkey and Azerbaijan in addition to meeting the needs of the region.
Rahimzadeh said: saffron cultivation in Marand city has started since 2002 and has gradually increased every year among farmers, and due to low water and economic needs and imports, it has a special place among farmers.
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