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Abdul Majid Damghani in an interview with Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) Secretary of the Scientific Society of ecological agriculture Iran said on Resistive economy is to reduce waste and increase efficiency, we have economic production.

Stating that agriculture is the engine of the economy, said the agriculture sector is responsible for 14% of national production therefore plays a key role in the economy can withstand.

Damghani resistance increases economic productivity fulfill one of the criteria as stated:The economy of resistance to achieve efficiency and reduce waste because it would only be implemented resistive economy.

Secretary of the Scientific Society of ecological agriculture Iran one more element in the realization of economic strength and technology to promote knowledge of the agricultural sector, adding:Iran due to favorable conditions for farming can be upgraded to why the expectation that Using technologies and know-how in agriculture, consider upgrading the sector and the realization of the strength of the economy in our country.

Damghani stating that there should be improvements in agriculture technology, said resistance should be considered to achieve economic losses, especially in the sectors of water, land and production inputs.

He added that the next step should be to think about increasing efficiency because increased productivity means increased production per unit of production inputs.

Secretary of the Scientific Society of ecological agriculture realization of Economy of Resistance of Iran said that only by increasing productivity, improving knowledge,Optimization and technology development can be fulfilled, said the Ministry of Agriculture should think about improvements in agricultural science and policy-makers this sector.

Damghani continued organizing agricultural land and water adaptability to region is one of the things that must be considered in order to achieve economy of resistance.

He stated that the realization of economic strength in the country means to increase productivity and reduce waste, said: This requires increased knowledge and technology and optimization of management methods.

Secretary of the Scientific Society of ecological agriculture Iran said that the agricultural sector should go into the production of valuable products, said:Policies must be developed that would increase the production of economic value in agriculture.

He’s worth a cubic meter of water is very high in Europe as compared to the water and said:Due to the weather conditions expected product in the country of production, which is of high economic value.

Damghani your strategy in this context re-farming patterns as saying: in this way can we increase the production of products that have higher economic value.

Secretary of the Scientific Society of for ecological agriculture of increasing the added value of agricultural products is another way of realizing the strength of the economy, he said:This issue occurs when processing in our country so that instead of producing fine wheat it to water or fruit compote for use in industry.