94 % of the world of saffron production in the Iran / 40  million – dollar exports and

Secretary of the development of technologies, medicinal herbs 94 percent of the world , ” said saffron in Iran and Iran’s only rival in this field with 800 thousand hectares that because some of the plant helps in this country doesn’t make the country of this plant has stopped .
according to the ISNA , medicinal plants that one or some of their organs containing the Draught of Living Death . in Iran , according to statistics about 8 thousand plant species that there are many 2 thousand and 300 than any medicine and aromatic herbs .
with the culture of  carried out today, according to the traditional medicine and medical herbs has increased. Muhammad Hassan juice as secretary of the development of traditional medicine herbs and scientific deputy said in an interview with the ISNA announces that the revolution in the second decade of the pen medicinal herbs only 138 on the list of the Health Ministry official registered in that year 1391 to 938 medications and the number in the list of the year to  95 with the growth of 100 percent to 1713 medicinal herbs pen .
He , the number of drugs and traditional medicine from the pen 121 until the end of the year to 746 91 to  95 , pharmaceuticals , he said, the per capita quota of herbal medicines in pharmacies from 1.5 percent to 4 percent, while sown some herbs 4 in recent years, including saffron , the family of  and  , barberry and Golmohamadi thousands of hectares of 128 with more than 40 per cent growth 181 thousand hectares has increased.
in the past , he said, adding that the essence of exports in this area of medicinal herbs crude shop , noted , ” according to the statistics before the revolution of exports of raw materials, medicinal herbs , depending on the drought conditions and  was different in some years to 80 70 , and, in some years to 180 million – dollar exports , but we have with regard to the policies adopted it now amounts to less than 80 million dollars.
the reason he prevent crude shop in the herbs and imposing restrictions on plants in the field of Ecology of the country , and went on with the implementation of laws on limited medicinal herbs endangered species, the country is currently at a rate of 100 thousand hectares diminished harvest of endangered plants and this number, according to the documents hand up to 800 thousand hectares .
According to He plant exports in raw form shop that it has been banned and so far , according to  35 to 40 million – dollar exports .
science and technology development secretary of medicinal plants went on to say : Iran the fifth in the field of medicinal herbs exports after a number of countries including China , India, South Korea and Turkey .
the development of medicinal plants cultivation Sultan
Technology Development secretary of medicinal herbs Zaafran, Sultan medicinal herbs described the country and noted : “ Given that the plant , a low –  plant is attempting to the development of saffron cultivation in the country to a level that under the plant 77 thousand and 300 hectares in years to 91 96 thousand hectares of 94 in years .
juice , stressing the necessity of developing the qualitative and quantitative saffron cultivation , pointed out : In recent years, for the first time , we were able to some  saffron at a rate of 8 million dollars .
According to He 94 percent of saffron in Iran and the world in the past Spain 800 thousand hectares to measure the crop but because some of the plant helps in Spain was not caused this plant .
extract noted : of the drug helps material medicine extracted Alzheimer’s .
increase the production capacity of all kinds of herbal medicines in the country
Secretary of the development of technologies and traditional medicine herbs , referring to an increase in an official capacity of human medicines , livestock added nominal capacity of the drugs that plant origin and tablet , Kurram, juice and capsule was 300 million per year 92 to 570 million per year has reached 94 , in addition to the nominal production capacity of essence and extract plant 122 thousand tons annually at a rate of 92 183 thousand tons in 183 and industrial production unit in years 94 has increased.
juice , stressing that the Estimates 38 to 40 million dollars in the past few years essence and , stated : Iran ranked first in the cultivation of  in the world .
He said that Iran 20 thousand hectares of annual production , ” said after Iran Bulgaria ‘s second – breeder Golmohamadi, with thousands of hectares of 2  , but the country is more on the essence of investment in the field , but we focus on traditional products Gulab .
necessary capacities of medicinal herbs , according to the country’s
The activist the herbs and traditional medicine , stressing the necessity of the shift from a traditional system to the industrial system in the field of medicinal herbs, said : “ Iran has a lot of capabilities in the field of medicinal herbs to is that the country was ranked first in terms of the pomegranate production to Article helps in Anar skin , is expected to be in the future, “ Anar skin high value added found that should be invested in this field .
He fig . Fars province from the rest of the country’s capabilities and added: “ If exports have knowledge is the foundation of the economy , its path of resistance to the production of high economic value .