Political reasons obstacle to seize the market saffron

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Faculty Member, Department of Agricultural Economics Ferdowsi University said: If we can not market saffron in our own hands, for political reasons, because basically prevents the market in our own hands. Despite the political problems the problem that your product offer them.

According to ISNA Dr. Lily Abolhasani in a roundtable entitled “Iranian saffron in international fields” in Ferdowsi University, said: the other problems the issue of customs laws is highly volatile. Part of the supply of saffron is responsible, in foreign investment and export feeling of safety does not. Should this law stronger than that. As well as foreign customer on the composition, calories and saffron are emphasized and these brands we have not seen.

Faculty Member, Department of Agricultural Economics Ferdowsi University said: packaging of saffron requires complex technology, but investors this technology does not work, because the export security, see the product as a trafficked to sell.

Iranian saffron most polluted saffron world

E. Milani, a faculty member of the Institute of Science and Technology Food Organisation Research Khorasan Razavi, stating that saffron is one of the strategic products of the country, he said, given that microbial contamination problem in the export of saffron, one of the reputable companies in a study we ordered and we saffron production at least microbial load demand.

He said the International Union standard of saffron in 2009 published a paper and among the countries of Iran, Greece, Italy and Spain microbial contamination see that Iran has the highest burden of microbial and Spain microbial contamination low is. This is a warning for the country, while easily with a leg microbial possible microbial contamination saffron reduced.

Faculty member Institute of Science and Technology Food Organisation Research Khorasan Razavi said we project to people who are picking saffron worked, trained the gloves are constantly changing and your hands with alcohol disinfecting. According to the research results show flower harvest if the bud is, microbial contamination bit will be picked up during the early morning and before flowering was done.

Milani said container transfer saffron first washed and disinfected and baskets alcohol. Since Saffron stacked, the heat is generated and microbial contamination arises. Saffron piled did not and ambient temperature are controlled. In connection with the separation of Saffron trained troops were under sterile conditions, the job was done and finally drying was performed.

He continued: counts microbial consider the union of Europe, in our sample were observed and eventually won a Grammy 70 euro saffron sell and the means of creating wealth for an Iranian company.

Doctor Kochaki, Faculty Of Food Industries Ferdowsi University, followed by the ceremony said, because the saffron value of the World and the countries through which a lot of money to earn, fraud lot of it is done the issue of fraud, saffron first place.

He pointed out that fraud saffron in all countries is seen, said: For example, in Italy police saffron, and contrary to what is believed farmer Starter fraud, is not there and start cheating is when saffron enter the market. There are various methods that without entering a foreign substance in saffron can Saffron counterfeit production; for example, the saffron with fresh saffron mixed.

Faculty Of Food Industries Ferdowsi University, said: Compounds that weight and moisture saffron increases; for example, the saffron honey and glycerin and … cause weight gain and humidity it gets. Color combinations of other fraud in saffron that these substances on the health of both indexes.