Saffron is one of the ways to prevent blindness
Researchers say the secret of preventing blindness lies in saffron in aging years.
Researchers have shown that daily intake of saffron in food contributes to the production of sensitive eye cells that are essential for vision.
Animal studies have shown that a saffron-based diet can protect the eyes against damage from light-emitting light from the sun and slow down the development of genetic diseases such as inflammation of pigments, according to Time India.
The researchers also found that saffron had a beneficial effect on people with age-related macular degeneration, which is the most common cause of blindness in the elderly.
Scientists are now undergoing clinical trials on people with age-related macular degeneration.
“It seems saffron seems to have eye-protecting properties,” says Sylvia Biscuit, author of the study at La Avila University.
He added: “We are now trying to understand its mechanism, but apparently saffron is preventing cell death.”
Saffron has many antioxidant properties.
It also seems to regulate the genes of the fatty acid of the cell membrane, which makes the cells of the vision look flexible.
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