First Saffron Festival in Iran
According to Fars news agency Yazd, Governor of Behbad, at today’s Red Gold festival, pointing out that saffron has become one of the main agricultural products in the city of Behbaud, said that the cultivation of this product has been developed in Beabad in recent years.
Abbas Iqbal stated: Behbad has the highest rank in terms of quality saffron production, but the lack of packaging industries and processing units of this product has fueled the anonymity of Saffron Behbad.
He said: “We are looking for the brand name of Saffron Behbad, and this goal has become more serious with the holding of the Red Gold Festival.
Governor Behbad cited saffron as the strategic product of the city and added that many livelihoods of Behba’ad people are now being cultivated with saffron cultivation.
Iqbal emphasized that there should be an action to make Bahabad bean beans in the world, because the quality of this product in this city has created such capacity and can certainly be the owner of the bean bean saffron.
The head of Jihad-e-Agriculture of Yazd province also pointed out that saffron is an irrigable plant, said: Saffron is one of the products whose cultivation has been promoted due to the climatic conditions of Yazd province and now it is cultivated in many Yazd province cities. .
Referring to the fact that saffron is cultivated in Behbazd, Bafq, Yazd and some other cities of the province, the main cultivation area of this product in Yazd province belongs to the city of Behbaud.
Seyyed Jamal Sajjadipur pointed out that 65 percent of the saffron land area of Yazd province belongs to the city of Beabad, and now it has been allocated 270 hectares of land to cultivate red gold.
Referring to the fact that Saffron Behbad is exported to different countries such as China, Russia, Iraq and Germany, adding that by improving the packaging status of this product, foreign markets could expand Bahabad’s saffron.
Sajjadpour recalled: Fruit is also one of the most important crops in the old days, but now products such as apricot, almonds, walnuts, grapes, pomegranates and dates are also grown in this city and have a good market in the area.
Referring to the fact that all of the potential of saffron cultivation in Yazd province and the city of Behbazd was not used well, he said: “Behbad is one of the areas where saffron cultivation can be developed, and we hope that by creating the packaging and processing industries with participation And the people’s investment in the region can make a difference in Saffron market in Beabad.
He stated that 94 percent of the world’s saffron is produced in Iran, he noted: Yazd province also has a significant share in this production, so that after the provinces of Khorasan Razavi, North Khorasan, Isfahan, Kerman and Fars ranked seventh, but still could not Use this capacity well and bring saffron from Yazd and Beabad to the brand.
According to Fars, the Red Star Festival, which was held with the participation of a team of Yazd province and the city of Behbad and Saffron Bank farmers, was honored with the top farmers in the field of saffron production.
Behbad, which separated from Bafgh from the year 88, became a city with about 28 thousand people located 140 km from the center of Yazd province.
source: farsnews /com
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