A sharp drop in the price of Iranian saffron by millions , A sharp drop in the price of saffron by millions, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, a sharp drop in the price of saffron, a sharp drop in the price of Iranian saffron

A sharp drop in the price of Iranian saffron by millions

According to a member of the National Saffron Association, with the decrease in saffron exports and demand in domestic markets, the price of this product has decreased by about one million tomans compared to the last two months.

Following the onset of the corona virus in the world, many businesses and sales markets have experienced a decrease in supply and demand, so that this disruption in the market has caused losses to business owners.

Iranian products that used to be exported to target markets are now stored in warehouses and some have lost quality.

Saffron is one of those products that in addition to losing export markets, has also faced a decline in supply in domestic markets.

Iran, as the largest producer of saffron and one of the largest exporters of this product in the world, is currently facing a recession in the market of this product.

In this regard, Ali Hosseini, a member of the National Saffron Association, regarding the latest situation of supply and demand in the market, said: As the largest producer of saffron in the world, it has not experienced any exports in the last two months.

He added: In addition to exports, the demand for the product in domestic markets has also decreased compared to previous months, and this decrease in demand in domestic and global markets has led to a drop of one million tomans in the price of each kilogram of saffron.

A member of the National Saffron Association said: We hope that the corona virus will be eradicated in Iran and the world as soon as possible in order to reach the target markets for saffron exports, so that the country’s foreign exchange earnings will increase.

Hosseini continued: Achieving export destinations depends on the special support of the government, because these days many exporters have suffered a lot of losses and in order to compensate for these losses need opportunity and support.

He pointed out: Iran’s saffron products have the ability to meet the needs of saffron in all countries of the world, but this achievement is not possible without government support for producers and exporters.

Referring to saffron production in 1999, a member of the National Saffron Association stated: Considering the recent rains and the strength of the area under cultivation compared to previous years, it is predicted that we will face an increase in saffron production this year.

Hosseini said: Currently, due to the current situation, a large amount of saffron is stored in warehouses. However, the government should look for ways to export more Iranian saffron to countries around the world after eliminating the corona virus.