Allocated 42 hectares of agricultural land to cultivate saffron Kurdistan

Allocated 42 hectares of agricultural land to cultivate saffron Kurdistan Kurdistan agricultural lands for saffron cultivation, purchase of saffron, harvesting of Kurdistan agricultural saffron, cultivation of saffron from Kurdistan agricultural lands of saffron, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, saffron production in Iran

The director of horticulture affairs of the Kurdistan Agricultural Jihad Organization said:
This year, 42 hectares and 500 square meters of land in Kurdistan province have been allocated for saffron cultivation.

Zahed Haji Mirzaei stated that about 23 hectares of this area under cultivation is fertile and 19 hectares are infertile. Currently, 60 exploiters are cultivating and producing saffron in Kurdistan province.

He added:
The highest area of ​​saffron cultivation is allocated to Dehgolan city with eight hectares And then Bijar with more than seven hectares and Sarvabad with more than six hectares are in the next ranks.

The director of horticulture affairs of the Kurdistan Agricultural Jihad Organization continued:
This year, more than 22 kg of saffron will be harvested in Kurdistan province, most of which is related to Dehgolan with 9 kg.

Haji Mirzaei pointed to the benefits of saffron cultivation in the province and added:
On the one hand, saffron has a very high water requirement and on the other hand, it is really job-creating in terms of job creation. And it requires a lot of manpower at the time of operation And its processing and application in the food industry, It has high export power and ultimately good revenue generation.

He stated:
Given that most saffron ‌ our workers are in the early years of their production And saffron enters the process of reproduction and exploitation from the third year onwards That’s why its production is low But if we reach the peak of saffron production, we will have between five and seven kilos per hectare.

Director of Horticulture of Kurdistan Agricultural Jihad Organization reminded:
The development of saffron cultivation in Kurdistan is one of the most important agricultural jihad programs to increase farmers’ income in low-yield lands, which is being pursued vigorously.