Allocation of 4 hectares of Boroujerd lands for saffron cultivation
Amini stated:
Boroujerd city has long been among the cities where high quality saffron
is produced because of favorable climatic situations and saffron cultivation
is one of the traditional crops of city in the past.
Referring to the decrease in the area under cultivation of this crop in the last half century in this city, he added:
with the introduction of extension measures in the agricultural sector of Boroujerd Agricultural Jihad in recent years,
the cultivation of this valuable crop is booming again.
Director of Boroujerd Agricultural Jihad considered the existence of favorable
climate in city as one of the reasons for the quality of this product in Boroujerd farms and said:
considering the water shortage of recent years and considering
that saffron cultivation requires less water compared to other crops.
Cultivation of this crop is economically viable.
Amini Babian added that four hectares of agricultural lands in Boroujerd
Babian said that saffron cultivation is a weekly cultivation of 10 to 10 years.
There is up to ten kilograms of dry saffron and it varies among different lands.
Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Saffron harvest, saffron export, Iranian saffron export
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