Barbecue Rosary with Saffron Recipe,Barbecue Rosary,meat,chicken,onion ,Cream ,saffron ,Oils

Barbecue Rosary with Saffron Recipe

ingredients :

  • Chopped meat = 300 g
  • Chopped chicken breast = 300 g
  • Dipped onion grate = 2 pcs
  • Cream = 2 soup spoon
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 2 soup spoon
  • Salt and pepper = to the extent necessary
  • Oils for frying = 1/3 cup

Instruction :

Chopped meat and half grated onions and salt and pepper and saffron and 1 soup spoon of cream and knead it thoroughly, and we remove and mix bullets of the size of a small walnut from the mixture until we have finished the meat. With chicken meat, we repeat the same way. Only the size of meat chopsticks should be larger than chicken tins, so they should be sized after baking.
For 1 hour, place the ready-made flasks in the fridge to rest. After this time, slice the gills in a bowl and fry the prepared fingers in the oil so that they are painted, then in Preheat the oven at 180 ° C for 10 minutes to cook. If you do not have a cup, continue to cook on a flame and keep it warm. Bake too much to keep the grill dry. Serve grilled barbecues after cooking and serve with saffron pluw.