Beginning of saffron harvest from 33 hectares in Rabar city
In Rabar city, flower harvesting has started from the middle of November and will continue until mid-December, and it is expected that about 120 kg of dry saffron will be harvested from the farms of this city.
Citing the public relations of the Kerman Jihad Agricultural Organization, Iman Karim Ghasemi, director of the Jihad Keshavarzi in Rabar, said: Currently, 33 hectares of the city’s lands are under saffron cultivation, and more than 4 hectares have been added to this area in the new cultivation period this year. Is.
He said: the production of Rabar city last year was 100 kg of dried saffron, which is expected to be harvested from the farms of this city this year by increasing the yield of this product by nearly 120 kg of dry saffron.
Karim Ghasemi continued: Saffron cultivation has increased significantly in recent years due to economic benefits and job creation for families, as well as due to recent droughts and changing the pattern of cultivation to plants with low water requirements. According to the potential and demand of farmers in the region, Rabar paid 1100 million Rials of sustainable rural employment facilities and 150 million Rials of home business facilities to farmers applying to grow saffron and medicinal plants, which is currently about 4 hectares using these facilities. Saffron is being cultivated.
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