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Beginning of saffron harvest from 422 hectares in Kermanshah province

Horticulture director of Kermanshah Jihad Agricultural Organization announced the beginning of saffron harvest in the province.

Mansour Ahmadi stated that the area under saffron cultivation in the province is 422 hectares and added: 120 hectares of this area have been cultivated this summer and this year will not have much harvest.

He said that the average yield of saffron farms in the province is four kilograms per hectare and said: it is estimated that 1700 kilograms of saffron will be produced in the province this year.

Horticulture director of Kermanshah Jihad Agricultural Organization, stating that in all cities of Kermanshah province except the two tropical cities of Qasr Shirin and Sarpolzahab, we have saffron cultivation, said: The highest area under saffron cultivation in the province is Kermanshah, Dalahu and Harsin.

Referring to the compatibility of saffron with the climatic conditions of the province, he said: Due to the climatic conditions of Kermanshah province, the saffron produced in the province is in the list of the best saffron in Iran.

Ahmadi, stating that we have cultivated saffron in Kermanshah province for a long time, said: Experiments performed on saffron produced in this province show the high quality of the product, so that in terms of quality even Ghaenat saffron, which is the best saffron produced in the country. , Is also reported with better quality.

Ahmadi continued: Currently, five saffron packaging units are active in Kermanshah province.

Referring to the priority of developing saffron cultivation in Kermanshah province, he said: We plan to add another 100 hectares to saffron cultivation in Kermanshah province next year.

In the end, he stated that the saffron harvest has started in the province, and said: the saffron harvest will not take more than a month.