Beginning of saffron harvest from the farms of Roodehen Azad University , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, saffron of Roodehen city, saffron harvest from Roodehen farms

Beginning of saffron harvest from the farms of Roodehen Azad University

Simultaneously with the start of saffron harvest in the first half of November, harvest began from the educational farms of agricultural students who have cultivated saffron to undergo an internship.

According to the public relations of Islamic Azad University of Roodehen; Dr. Baghi, Head of the Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University of Roodehen, added: 3 educational groups have planted saffron in the form of density planting method with 5 onions, 3 onions and 2 onions, which in the method of planting 3 onions with the same animal manure for all methods has the highest flowering.
He said: Due to the fact that the edible part of the red saffron stigma is a three-leafed horn-shaped leaf that is attached to the white cream, it should be separated from the flower. Which is equal to 3 ounces. It should be noted that each ounce of saffron is equal to 6.4 grams and every 216 ounces of saffron is one kilogram of saffron.