Beginning of saffron harvest in 60 hectares of Golpayegan farms , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Golpayegan saffron harvest, saffron harvest from Golpayegan farms

Beginning of saffron harvest in 60 hectares of Golpayegan farms

The head of Golpayegan agricultural jihad said:
the saffron harvest from farms has started and this year we anticipate the harvest of 500 kg.

Heidar Ali Golmohammadi informed about the saffron harvest in city and said:
saffron harvest from 50 hectares of fertile farms
in Golpayegan city starts from the end of October
and continues until the middle of October.

He added:
in city, saffron is cultivated in 60 hectares of agricultural lands of which 10 hectares were cultivated this year.

The head of Golpayegan agricultural jihad said:
this year, due to weather conditions and saffron cultivation management,
the yield per hectare is more than 10 kg and it is expected
that about 500 kg of saffron will be produced in city.

He stated that in city,
200 people harvested saffron per hectare daily and it has created jobs.

Golpayegan is a city in Isfahan province in Iran,
which is located 352 km from Tehran and 156 km northwest of Isfahan.
The central mountain range and the Qibla River,
which originates from the mountains around Golpayegan,
pass through this city and are located between the cities of Hansar, Khomein and Meimeh.
Golpayegan is a city with an ancient culture that has been studied by Homay Dokhtar Bahman
(Samra, Chakhr Azad) from the Kianian dynasty,
whose original name was Wardpatkan (Land of Red Roses).
Known as the city of four climates,
it leads from the north and west to the snow-capped mountains,
from the east to the desert, from the south to the plains and gardens,
and from the northeast to the colorful plains with vast vegetation.
The nature of this city is one of the most pristine and distinctive
natural landscapes of the province.

Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Golpayegan saffron harvest,