azafrán de Irán, el azafrán persa, el estigma de azafrán , los productores de azafrán, azafrán, fabricante de costes azafrán, azafrán de agricultoresSaffron unit responsible Agriculture Organization of Khorasan Razavi said the withdrawal of onion saffron crocus province and the country is a serious threat to the market.

Ramin name in an interview with Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) – Khorasan region, said: saffron bulbs as a genetic reserve should be outside of the province and the country, its genetic record over the past two years are being followed up to prevent malicious use .

He pointed to the necessity of issuing permits for the movement of saffron bulbs within the province, he said: to send onions to other provinces should contact the Police Force, the Department of Transportation and the governor coordinated.

Responsible Agriculture Organization of Khorasan Razavi Saffron said: Unfortunately, like other provinces of Khorasan Razavi Saffron bulbs are not sensitive towards the exit and the causes of Iranian saffron bulbs out.

He saffron production in Khorasan province to 300, adding:200 to 250 tons of saffron produced in the province is exported to the increase in demand, Razavi and South Khorasan provinces have the capacity to produce 500 tons of saffron.
Nominal said Khorasan Razavi Saffron comparative advantage and other provinces like Kermanshah and Azerbaijan should be according to their comparative advantage to plant their crop.

He stressed the need to export saffron health and reiterated the European market specific standards for the health and it is free from pesticides and chemical fertilizers are saffron and saffron Iran to maintain this market should guarantee your health.

Responsible Agricultural Jihad Organization of Khorasan Razavi Saffron , Saffron is one of the risks to its market share in target countries, adding:Iran is the world’s largest producer of saffron, but countries such as Spain and the United Arab Emirates, Iran’s main competitors in the target markets.

He pointed to the progress of product processing saffron in the past five years, stating in processing and packing unit with a capacity of 74 350 tons of saffron that this packaging is done according to the tastes of the target country.

Nominal said that price stability is one of the problems saffron market, said:Low prices and the end of the season the price increases earlier in the season, so to prevent this from happening should be to create a bank of saffron crocus middlemen are eliminated from the market.

Agricultural Jihad Organization of Khorasan Razavi Saffron head of the unit said: Unfortunately businessmen unhealthy competition and the market are in ruin and in this context also able to coordinate between the Union and the National Council of saffron traders to create.