Celery Saffron rice Recipe,Ingredients for Celery, Plodders, Celery, Celery Rice,Saffron rice

Celery Saffron rice Recipe

ingredients :

  • Rice = 4 Cup
  • Cleared celery = 400 g
  • Minced meat = 300 g
  • Chopped onion = 1 pc
  • Sliced ​​garlic = 2 cubes
  • Spice, salt and pepper = to the extent necessary
  • Tomato paste = 3 spoon
  • Lemon amani Powder = 1 teaspoon
  • Local Butter = 50 grams
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 2 spoon

Instruction :

Mix the minced meat, along with onions, garlic and spices, then pour them into peppers and put them in a little red curry. Bring the meat out of the pan and add the celery and make it to some extent soften. Add the tomato paste and dumplings to celery, add a boiling pumice and allow to cook together. Cooked and cooked rice.
Add celery and pork meat and add a little amani lemon powder. In the end, mix the saffron with the rest of the butter, pour it on the rice and pour it.