Chicken steak Saffron with orange sauce and mango Recipe,Chicken steak Saffron,Chicken steak,Chicken,orange,orange sauce,mango,Chicken breast with saffron

Chicken steak Saffron with orange sauce and mango Recipe

ingredients :

  • Chicken breast = 4 pcs
  • Onion = 1 pcs
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 2 spoon
  • Lemon juice = 1 teaspoon
  • Corn starch and vinegar = 1 spoon each
  • Mango and Orange juice = 2 cup each
  • Salt, pepper, spices and olive oil = to the extent necessary

How to prepare:

1- Chicken breast with saffron, chopped onions, lemon juice, a little olive oil and salt and relax in the refrigerator for three hours. Then take the refrigerator and squeeze the chin down.
2- Heat the pan and bring the steaks into the pan after three to four minutes and grill the other side.
3- Mix orange juice with starch and heat with salt and vinegar. Then add mangoes and reduce heat.
4- Serve steaks with this sauce.