Chickpea Saffron rice Recipe,Chickpea rice, ingredients for Chickpea rice, Chickpea, Iranian Cooking,saffron Iranian

Chickpea Saffron rice Recipe

ingredients :

  • Rice = 4 cup
  • Chopped meat = 400 g
  • Pea = 4 cup
  • Onion = 1 pcs
  • Fried Onion = 3 spoons
  • Salt and pepper and turmeric = some
  • Tomato paste = 1 spoons
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 1 spoon

Instruction :

In order to prepare foods that are used in legumes, they should be soaked from the night before, and how many times the water is changed to allow it to bloat, so we will soak the pea from the night before.
Now pour the cherries we soaked with 2 glasses of cold water in the pot and put it in half a pot and allow the pea to cook completely for about 1-2 hours.
When the peas cook it.
Inside a little frying pan, bring some oil, hot onion, salt, pepper, artichokes and minced meat together to fry and cook meat. The taste of this food is hot onion, so if you like hot onions you can pour more.
Then cook the peas and add enough saffron to the broth and add the ingredients a little bit together. But be careful not to put too much stuff to cook cooked cabbage.
Now I blend pewed chives with brass that is smooth.
Finally, mix the rice in a pot that we poured it over the oil and pour about 1/2 cup of water around the pan and bring the rice. First, heat up to raise rice steam and then heat it to make it warm for about half an hour to 45 minutes of rice.