Chinese to smuggle saffron bulbs came to Iran
Exporters Union saffron Khorasan Razavi , warned against an increase in the trafficking of saffron bulbs Chinese presence in the Iranian market for this purpose .
Gholam Reza Mir correspondent in talks with the Iranian Students News Agency ( ISNA) – of the Khuroson district , pointing out that unfortunately saffron bulbs are produced in Iran during the past few years by Afghans and trafficking in the country , said this year , in addition to the Afghans have witnessed the smugglers , with the help of dealers in are smuggled saffron bulbs .
he said, referring to the , including many different stages of saffron cultivation, harvesting , processing and trafficking , he said, with a large part of the bulbs of employment .
Miri , referring to the calm atmosphere saffron market , said: “ Fortunately saffron market without any tension calm atmosphere of supply and demand, and as a result of the price.
He also unaware of export figures saffron province in May confirmed, unfortunately customs in this field to cooperate with us , currently statistic that our April , compared with the same period last year, the 10 %.
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