
Continue planting saffron farms in Zanjan

A breeding expert stated Saffron: Continue planting saffron farms in Zanjan form date Mehr  is in September.

Mohsen Mohammadi interview with Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) Zanjan area, said the province’s climate is perfect for growing saffron and saffron cultivation in the province has been implemented in recent years.

He saffron on physiological features, sophisticated: Saffron is one of the flowering plants, monocots and order Znbqyan asparagus is dark. Its scientific name is clocus sativus onions in the middle or base of the stem, leaf number of leaves and long narrow leaves out of the flower stem out to a three goal lead. Beautiful purple flower with six petals, which may in some varieties of flower color or purple. The flowers have three stamens and one pistil leading up to the Kalaye three bold red or orange.

The expert added that the use of this plant is called the cream and saffron stigmas three famous and has a slightly bitter taste aromatic odor.

Noor-Mohammadi said 93 percent of the world’s saffron is produced in Khorasan 82 to 83 percent is endemic.

He pointed out that saffron cultivation in a farm in the ground or in some cases housewives as they grow pot.

The expert added that saffron is a product that has a high income and high value crops if the person will earn a high income.

will spend up to three times without a high price because the cost of planting in the first year will be spent and profitability in the coming years.