Cultivation of red gold (saffron) from Qazvin to Lebanon
The educational deputy of Qazvin University Jihad said: considering the holding of international courses last year, the second course was held this year as well, during which 4 Lebanese students participated in the saffron cultivation course.
Farshad Pilehchi stated: Due to the holding of international courses last year, the second international course was held this year, during which 4 Lebanese students participated in the saffron cultivation course and are currently planting it in Lebanon.
The Vice Chancellor for Education of the University Jihad of Qazvin Province explained: This Vice Chancellor has trained over 3,500 people in 131 training courses during the last three months. In the summer, 20 new courses were held by the center. But in addition to the new courses that were held, with the continuous planning that has been, we have had a 65% growth in the title of the courses held and a 240% growth in the number of learners participating in the training courses.
He pointed out: In 1396, Qazvin University Jihad Training Center with two main objectives of holding employment-generating courses such as Android programming, accounting, dental assistant, laboratory technician training, saffron cultivation, mushroom cultivation and creating skill-building courses for employed people Such as specialized courses for industry workers, organizations and with more focus on these two axes in the departments of computer science, agriculture, medicine, engineering, industry, higher education, foreign languages, humanities and virtual sciences are active.
Pilechi explained: Due to the existing problems in the employment debate, we are still researching, laying the groundwork and holding new job courses tailored to the job needs of the community and the province, in various fields such as information technology, medicine and agriculture, including playmaking, repair training. We are mobile software and hardware.
He reminded: following the interactions that Jihad Daneshgahi with the Basij Sazandegi of the province planned, Jihad Daneshgahi will train people in agricultural courses such as saffron cultivation, mushroom cultivation, and cultivation of medicinal plants, and they will receive a certificate. At the end of the course, they will be able to receive self-employment loans under construction.
The Deputy Minister of Education of the University Jihad of Qazvin Province reminded: Currently, two saffron cultivation courses have been held for the first time in the province by the Center for Short-Term Specialized Specialized Training of the University Jihad.
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