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Currency exchange of $ 500 million Iranian saffron

Ali Hosseini on the sidelines of visiting two saffron processing centers in Gonabad city stated: For the third year, the saffron processing project with new models and in accordance with consumer needs in the country is being implemented.

He added: Currently, 30 saffron processing centers have been established in Khorasan Razavi, which we hope will increase to 45 centers.

The secretary of the National Saffron Council said: in the provinces of Khorasan Razavi and South Khorasan, 70,000 hectares are under saffron cultivation, and every year 20% of this area will be covered by new saffron processing stations.

Hosseini continued: If the saffron product is marketed with a new processing, at least 10 to 20% of its price will be increased and the producer will achieve more profit.

Regarding the elimination of intermediaries from the production to consumption of saffron, he said: It was decided to create a saffron commodity bank in the country and the farmer would sell his saffron to these banks and the bank would supply saffron in a suitable position so that the farmer could make a profit. Be a partner.

Hosseini continued: In the saffron processing stations, an arrangement has been adopted so that the buyer and the producer face each other and the intermediaries are cut off.

The secretary of the National Saffron Council said: the new saffron processing model should replace the traditional model, processing and packaging of this strategic product.

He added: three saffron processing stations in Gonabad city will be constructed in the central part, Kakhk and Sano village, and after saffron processing, they will have a health certificate and a national saffron council code.

Hosseini stated: The saffron processing station will change to a saffron exchange center after the end of the processing time, which lasts between 30 and 40 days.