,red saffron,pure saffron,real saffron,organic saffronSaffron Exporters Union Chairman said that speculators daily market prices of Iranian saffron and saffron play product, said:Net profit doubled from the supply of this product is not logical because other countries will turn to competitors Iranian saffron.

Vice President of the National Council of saffron – he said: Saffron prices have risen this year as unreasonable and excessive, so that each kilogram of saffron about five million to seven million 300 thousand and 200 thousand dollars has come 20 to 50 dollars per kilo in the domestic market and the export market 20 to $ 30 is added to the price.

He added that the reasonable price of any commodity to its cost of production plus a reasonable profit margin refers to the producer, but When the profits from the sale of a product that is double the cost, not to say that product on the market price is reasonable.

Miri said speculators at the beginning of season three million and 800 thousand dollars buys a kilo of saffron and to increase its price per kilo when sold six million and eight hundred thousand dollars,Some of them play daily with saffron and price their product sales and Some of saffron in their homes and warehouses at the appropriate juncture to their desired selling price.

Saffron Exporters Union Chairman continued: in the absence of saffron with the double benefit offered in the market should be concerned because other countries like Afghanistan, Greece, China, etc. can easily produce saffron better prices In the consumer market, because if, for Iranian saffron in the market for exclusive supply and The ability to compete with Iran in this regard. This is because The product’s quality and reasonable price is marketed.

Miri said that in the absence of saffron excessive price increases, other manufacturers are also moving towards the production of saffron and Saffron can increase production without planning problems in the consumer market and exporting this product to create and Finally, farmers who have invested to produce this product, saffron bulbs have been dug up and thrown away.

Stating that 25 per cent increase in the price of saffron in June and July by 33% compared to last year’s report, said:In this situation competitiveness in global markets lost saffron and saffron production and supply in the domestic market and for export to other countries that are economically viable,As is now the country with the great support of saffron production is on the rise.

Afghan workers pay 300 dollars

Saffron vice president of the National Council said the situation in Afghanistan with suitable climate and cheap labor to increase production of saffron conditions there, because Skilled workers saffron Iran saffron harvest season is limited because maybe 7 to 10 million USD paid monthly and Some of them are also manufacturers an ultimatum in the form of harvesting a percentage of take it for themselves, While labor costs are very low in Afghanistan and Afghan workers daily with a cup of tea and With a monthly salary of 300 thousand dollars of Iranian workers work several times.

Amiri said in such circumstances, not only the production of opium in Afghanistan have risen sharply, But also the production of saffron bulbs to buy a product that’s easily done far more than the past.

Buy saffron expertise to set market prices

He said that we have proposed to the government formed a committee including the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, Ministry of Agriculture, governors and Exporters Association saffron can buy this product with the price bachelor of farmers and Excessive increase prices when speculators are looking are infused with saffron in the market to take advantage of them and saffron market turmoil.

Saffron Exporters Union Chairman said that in this situation the state must provide facilities to allow producers when they need money Forced to sell their product to dealers or loans to the private sector was not up to the purchase, storage and Timely supply of the product in the domestic market and foreign market to be able to stop profiteering speculators.