saffron supplier,saffron seller,saffrol wholesaler,saffron shopSaffron excessive consumption is harmful and causes vomiting, decreased heart rate, bleeding from the nose, eyelids and lips bleeding and cause dizziness, lethargy, yellowing of skin and other dangerous complications that these consequences can even lead to death.

Saffron cause miscarriage or lifter difficult calving:

Sahar Kamran Reed and his research on the topic of chaos in the treatment of calving difficulty with saffron saffron herbal medicine of the third millennium was presented at the conference showed that eating saffron during pregnancy, delivery person easy to prepare.According to their research use Saffron critical during the first three months of pregnancy is the period of formation treatment can cause damage to the fetus.Saffron consumption in the first three months of pregnancy increases uterine prostaglandins in the uterus and Stimulatory effect place and the chance of miscarriage, but a Moderate consumption of it after the first three months of pregnancy is useful and easy to prepare for the birth mother. Saffron causes elasticity in tissues of the uterus and makes it easier delivery.

Saffron is used after the first trimester prenatal effect a few hours start to get nervous pain receptors and pain. Production of prostaglandins hormone that causes contractions of the muscles of the uterus during childbirth and direct stimulatory effect on uterine smooth muscle and It affects the cervix inhibitory effects of prostaglandins in the uterus so the correct usage of saffron at birth increased and Of calving difficulty prevented.

Appropriate and authorized use of saffron in months:

Three grams of saffron consumption per person per month is very healthy and beneficial and More than 5 grams per person per month is harmful. But taking 5 grams of saffron in a meal can be fatal to humans.

Maintenance of saffron:

Saffron should be stored away from light and moisture saffron in glass or metal containers kept closed. Note saffron essential oils can evaporate, then close the lid Saffron Saffron lid to stay open if it is reduced pharmacological effects and quality.

Saffron purposes:

Saffron gives food a special flavor and color of saffron, hence the food industry such as sausage making, in the preparation of confectionery products such as powder cake, pharmaceuticals such as antidepressants, such as painting on silk textile industry, in the manufacture of beverages alcoholic and non-alcoholic flavorings as natural and etc. used in the dairy industry.