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Do not miss the global saffron market of South Khorasan

The chairman of the National Saffron Council said: expressing non-expert and non-managerial content and far from studying and analyzing the global saffron market will have no result other than losing the global saffron markets to competitors and harming the hardworking saffron farmers.

Mohsen Ehtesham, referring to the beginning of the saffron harvest season in the provinces of Khorasan Razavi and South Khorasan, said: The base price of saffron exports should be changed and become real in proportion to the increase in the exchange rate.

He added: The main reason for the decline in saffron prices last year was the increase in supply due to the increase in saffron cultivation, but unfortunately in proportion to this increase in cultivation, increasing demand and market development in the past few years has not been due to sanctions.

The Chairman of the National Saffron Council stated: Expressing non-expert and non-managerial content and far from studying and analyzing the global saffron market will have no result other than losing the global saffron markets to competitors and harming the hardworking saffron farmers.

Ehtesham stated: In the current situation, determining the base price of the agreed purchase of saffron grades from farmers as the base price by the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture and also modifying the base export price by the Iranian Customs are very important priorities to prevent saffron prices from falling. Is inside the country.