,saffron manufacturer,saffron producer,saffron companies,saffron eshopSpecial city of Marand governor of investors to participate in the Dutch city of saffron production in Iran and said:Marand has a suitable climate, the best part of the North West for crops with low water consumption, especially saffron.

Taqi Karami on Tuesday at a meeting with foreign delegation of five from the Netherlands said that now in this city of 115 hectares of agricultural land is devoted to growing saffron The program was developed in 1399 this amount increased solar to 300 hectares.

Karami said last year the city of Marand with production by 198 400 kg of saffron saffron workers, to be known as a hub of production in the North West.

Marandi said the governor’s special city: the city of the Netherlands to buy the leaf, saffron, saffron cultivated land transfer and export it to the name of the city of Marand and Processed under the license of the Netherlands is ready to cooperate.

The head of the five investors in the Netherlands said the delegation traveled to Marand aimed at increasing cooperation on crops such as saffron and rose water consumption is low.

Robert van der tang added, according to research performed and viewing high quality Iranian saffron fields in Marand,The country is ready to increase cooperation in the field of saffron in the city.

He created the technology world in the Netherlands on saffron cultivation and said:If this cooperation can be seen a threefold increase crop was in the city of Marand.

His traditional cultivation of saffron in Marand and said: Onion cultivation of saffron in Marand traditional method takes seven years but With the implementation of industrial farming methods Dill Scallion in this city can be developed in less than a year and Marand saw an increase in production was expensive.

He said production in the Netherlands due to continuous rainfall during the year difficult, but saffron Netherlands is exported to 23 countries.

The delegation during a visit to farms growing saffron and rose in the city of Marand therefore, these products at a high level of quality assessment and Participation in the exchange of information between the two countries in the field of agriculture have called for.

Marand with about 240 thousand inhabitants 71 kilometers from Tabriz, capital of East Azerbaijan is located.