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Everything about saffron!

Everything you need to know about saffron! (Properties and harms of saffron, the method of planting and recognizing fake saffron, etc.)

Everything you need to know about saffron! (Properties and harms of saffron, the method of planting and recognizing fake saffron, etc.)

According to Akairan: At first, if we want to examine the term saffron, we must say that the term “saffron” comes from the Arabic language in other languages ​​and the origin of the root is unknown. But in fact, this word has also been mistaken about this word, like many other Western words, about its Arabic origin. The root of this term refers to Ancient Persian and Sanskrit, and it is also spelled out in saffron. The term has a lesser history in Arabic texts than Persian, and Arabic texts that use the term saffron are referred to Iranian books such as Abu Ali Sina and Razi. The saffron plant is native to Iran and India, and you do not go to any Arab country. The name of the plant is Crocus sativus saffron.
But about saffron itself, or saffron, we must say that a small, semi-tropical plant is 10 to 30 cm high, and you can walk well in areas with mild winters and hot and dry summers. The resistance of saffron is high in cold weather, but since its growth coincides with the autumn, winter and early spring, it naturally requires a mild air in this climate. During the sleep or rest period of the plant (summer) rain or irrigation is harmful to it, so its cultivation and operation in the regions of Gilan and Mazandaran and warm southern regions of the country is not common. Sunflower lands without trees, which are also not exposed to cold winds, are suitable for saffron growth. However, some villages in Birjand and Cain are planted under shades of barberry bushes and almond trees that are irrigated in the summer. The maximum temperature of this plant is between 40 to 35 degrees Celsius and at altitudes between 1300 and 2300 meters above sea level.
The history of saffron planting in Iran dates back more than 3000 years ago. This colorful and expensive plant is priceless for many years, it has no stems and is onion, and it is famous for red or gold in the desert. Due to its high taste and aroma, saffron has many uses in the production of food, pharmaceutical and chemical products, and because of the limited cultivation and production, it is considered as an expensive product.
Saffron is a valuable foodstuff that can be obtained from a low amount of saffron. In fact, from every 100 to 200,000 saffron plants, about 5 kg of saffron flower is obtained, which weighs 5 kg of fresh saffron after drying to 1 kg . Also, a worker should work 40 hours to feed 150/000

Important Ingredients of Saffron
Saffron is a herbicide of the herb, a herb of saffron, which has an euphoric effect, and today some European pharmaceutical companies use it as an anti-depressant instagram.
Yellow and water-soluble compounds, which are derivatives of crosteen.
Its bitter combinations of picocrocin and its fragrant composition are safranal.
It has about 10% fixed oil content, which includes oleanolic acid.
Riboflavin is one of the other compounds in saffron.
Important effects
In general medicine, it is used as a sedative, antispasmodic and stomach acid. In the nutrition as a fragrant, flavoring and coloring agent (saffron produces a nice, colorful yellow color, good smell and good taste in the foods).
It is used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, confectionery, and the preparation of liqueurs, due to the very thick color it produces. The most common form of saffron is its dried or powdered form, but you can also take saffron supplements from some of the grocery stores. Only a small amount of this seasoning is enough to take advantage of its benefits, and the highest amount you need to take daily is between half and one gram of this valuable spice. Saffron can be used for massage, soups, hot drinks or bitter medicines. You can find saffron in most organic food stores and grocery stores, and complementary pills are available in perfumes. Now let’s take a closer look at this magical plant to uncover its many benefits.

Saffron nutritional value
Saffron is a seasoning and dyeing food that gives it a great flavor and aroma. Saffron reduces fat and cholesterol levels. Relaxing saffron, appetite, antispasmodic, anti-cardiac and cancer enhancer, memory enhancer and low blood pressure. Saffron is used to treat asthma, skin diseases, eye diseases, urinary tract infections, jaundice, menstruation, flatulence, stomach pain, and anemia.
Saffron helps digest food and strengthens the stomach and is used as a housing, especially in gum pain.

The health of the immune system
Although we often think that spices have no particular benefits and are merely a means of tasting food, the fact is that spices contain a lot of nutrients such as vitamin C. Saffron contains a lot of manganese, vitamin C, iron, potassium and vitamin B6. Manganese helps to regulate blood glucose, as well as improves metabolism and calcium intake. Ascorbic acid or the same vitamin C is essential for human health because it stimulates the immune system to produce white blood cells, which is the forefront of the body’s defense against diseases and is also essential for the production of collagen, collagen is also needed for Cell production is required in the body to repair wounds and injuries, muscle growth, blood vessel regeneration, and tissue production.
blood circulation
Saffron can act as an effective energy supplement and increase your metabolism by increasing your blood circulation. The presence of large amounts of iron in saffron, which means that this plant can increase the amount of red blood cells and thus increase the circulation and oxygenation of organ systems for more healthy metabolism and prevent low symptoms. Get bloody
Heart health and blood pressure
It seems that improving heart health today is one of the main goals of human health, and one of the simplest ways to achieve this goal is to increase potassium intake. Potassium, as a vein, reduces stress and pressure on the blood vessels and arteries and allows you to relieve blood pressure, tension and pressure on the cardiovascular system and regeneration, which ultimately results from cases of atherosclerosis, Heart attacks and stroke are prevented.
Significant amounts of manganese can help the body optimize blood glucose levels. Diabetes is one of the most dangerous and common diseases in the world today, involving millions of people around the world. You can control the level of blood glucose, insulin and glucose by preventing the formation of a condition for type II diabetes, or if you suffer from this condition, control its symptoms.
Anxiety and mental status
Saffron is said to suppress mild depression and improve the mental status of those who consume saffron regularly. Extremely active compounds in saffron have an effect on the endocrine system and can be effective in exacerbating the release of hormones that keep health and happiness healthy. The same effect in women acts as a factor in increasing libido. Also, many studies have shown that saffron is a natural anti-depressant drug.
Bone strength
Some of the minerals and organic compounds found in saffron, attract more and better nutrients, especially calcium. By increasing the amount of calcium that our body can absorb through food, there is a better chance of strengthening our bone mineral density and, therefore, preventing diseases such as osteoporosis and other diseases associated with age.
Nervous function
Group B vitamins are usually one of the things that are neglected in human health, but they play a fundamental role in the functioning of the nerves throughout the body. High levels of vitamin B6 found in saffron filling can help improve the nervous system and prevent some of the lethal and dangerous effects that result from poor functioning of the nervous system.
Pain properties
Pain relief is always one of the most valuable properties of a plant or natural remedy, and the combination of saffronal varieties in saffron acts as a sedative and a home for many patients. This relaxing effect can help relieve pain, reduce anxiety and stress, improve sleep habits and generally relax your mind and body, which is always a good thing!
Cancer Prevention
Saffron has been shown to have a high antioxidant effect by having more than one hundred different compositions. There are various antioxidant compounds in saffron, many of which find and neutralize free radicals in the body; free radicals are side-produced side-effects of cellular metabolism that can lead to a change in healthy cells or their destruction. Saffron can enhance the overall immune system and, in more specific cases, prevent the spread of cancer in the body. According to the results of this study, the use of saffron seems to prevent the occurrence of carcinogenic gene sequences and has a significant effect on the repair of damaged DNA molecules.
Gastrointestinal effects
One of the most ancient and well-known applications of saffron, for heart is corrosion and bloating. The anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory nature of saffron helps to relieve stomach pains and reduce inflammation, thus improving the constipation, reducing bloating, colic and dullness, and healing more serious diseases, such as gastric ulcer.
Swelling and inflammation
Cream and saffron oil, as a commonly used massage tool, can be used to eliminate pain throughout the body and relax. Saffron is a wonderful treat for people who suffer from sports injuries, arthritis, gout, and other inflammatory diseases. Also, for topical treatment of bruising and bruising and ulcers, quick-acting antioxidants in saffron can help accelerate the healing process.

Anti-depressive properties and memory enhancement of saffron
Saffron consumption is effective in preventing depression. According to today’s research, Saffron has anti-depressant properties, while traditional saffron fever has also been attributed to laxatives. According to the results of this study, the use of saffron in food and drink at least one cup of saffron tea is recommended for relaxation. Saffron is an enhancement of the mind’s attention and is effective in preventing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Saffron is effective in the treatment of nerve pain and low back pain.

Saffron Anti-Aging Agent
Saffron is effective in regulating the function of vision cells, protecting vision cells against damage, preventing the development of eye diseases, and revitalizing damaged eyes. Saffron is effective in treating retinal macular degeneration caused by aging. Saffron consumption in the diet prevents progression of the genetic diseases of the eye, and therefore its balanced consumption is recommended for the elderly and people with eye diseases.
Disadvantages of saffron consumption
Taking saffron at high doses can have potential risks, because the high accumulation of highly active elements in saffron can have a range of effects on the body. However, there are no specific side effects or allergic characteristics in lower doses (for example, in meals or in supplementary pills). Some side effects reported include dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, anxiety, tiredness, and changes in appetite and taste, but these are very rare symptoms. As always, consult a graduate doctor or botanist before adding a new and serious agent to your diet.
As stated above, excessive consumption of saffron is harmful and reduces blood pressure and excessive blood dilution, vomiting, decreased heart rate, bleeding from the nose, bleeding from the eyelids and lips and causing dizziness, lethargy, Yellowing of the skin and other dangerous side effects can lead to even death.

Saffron is the cause of abortion or dampening
Roghayeh and Sahar Kamran Samani, in their research on the issue of saffron harsh treatment, were presented at the Saffron Symposium on the Third Millennium Herbal Medicine, which showed that eating saffron during pregnancy prepares a person for easy delivery. According to their research, saffron consumption in the critical period of pregnancy, the first three months, which is the formation of organs, can cause fetal harm. Consumption of saffron in the first three months of pregnancy increases the prostaglandin hormone in the uterus and has a direct stimulant effect on the smooth muscle of the uterus, resulting in the possibility of abortion, but balanced use is effective after the first three months of pregnancy and the mother is given for delivery Easy to prepare. Saffron causes elasticity in the tissues of the uterus and makes birth easier.

Saffron that is consumed after the first three months of pregnancy has an effect several hours before delivery with the onset of pain and the neuropathy of pain receptors and the production of prostaglandin hormone that during pregnancy causes contraction of the walls of the uterus and direct stimulation It affects the smooth muscles of the uterus and the effect of the cervix, and so, with the proper administration of saffron, increases the amount of prostaglandin in the uterus at the time of the baby’s birth and prevents harshness.

Appropriate and permissible amount of saffron consumption per month
The consumption of three grams of saffron per person per month is very healthy and beneficial, and consuming more than 5 grams per person per month is harmful. But taking 10 grams of saffron in a meal can lead to human death.
Taking Saffron
Keep saffron away from light and moisture. Keep saffron in glass or metal containers. The best preservatives for saffron are primarily metal containers and then glass containers. Plastic containers are not suitable for keeping, because in a short time the essential oil is reduced and its quality is reduced. . It is a testimony to Khaghani’s poem
Maybe you can get some saffron
Because you’re sad with sadness, take some saffron
Note that the saffron oil is evaporated, so close the lid of the saffron container. If the saffron bottle is left open, its effects and its quality will be reduced.

Saffron consumption
Saffron gives the food a special aroma and color, and therefore saffron in the food industry, such as sausage, in confectionery such as cake powders, in pharmaceuticals such as antidepressants, in textiles like silk fabrics, in the manufacture of beverages Alcoholic and non-alcoholic is used as a natural flavoring in the dairy industry, etc.
The saffron extract, also known as “Swedish bitters”, is produced by many factories and marketed.

How to plant saffron:
Soil suitable for saffron breeding
Since the saffron bulb is on the land for a relatively long time (7 to 5 years). Soil is a lightweight or combination of sand and clay that the onion can withstand regional conditions in addition to providing food in this period. Therefore, in order to grow the plant properly and produce a high quality and desirable fertile and drained land without a tree with soil (loamy, lime, clayey and sandy) and limestone with a PH of 7-7, on the salt, poor and moist soil, Acid preferred. Saffron does not produce good crops in areas that have no rubble or weeds or organic matter.

Supplying land
In order to plant saffron, it is necessary to pay special attention to the particular attention. At first, in the appropriate opportunities in autumn or winter, the land is plowed deeply. If conditions are not suitable or access to the tractor is not possible, plowing can be done at the end of spring or Early in July, it also did. In mechanized agriculture, saffron cultivates ground in the fall of the year before planting with iron cows. In the spring, after the rainy season, rainy rains are removed, the soil is removed by means of moderate tillage and weed erosion. In August or September, after 80 – 40 tons of animal manure and 200 kilograms of ammonium phosphate will be planted as Faroe and prepare for cultivation.

Selection of onions and time of saffron cultivation
The construction of new saffron fields is only possible by onion. Therefore, the preparation and selection of high-quality onions for planting in the development and development of crops is important. Saffron onion can be transferred from soil to another warehouse or farm. Due to the soot of sleep or rest of onions that lasts from late May to late August, it can be used to remove onions. It is advisable to plant the bulbs after they are removed from the ground, so that the onions stay on the new ground while continuing to rest. It is necessary to refrain from bringing out onions in late August, because at this time some onions may be ready for rooting and budding.

The more distance the bulbs are removed to planting, the better it is for this onion to keep the saffron for a few months in a cool and dry place at a height of 30 to 20 cm, but it does not allow the physiological development of the flowers And the fertility of the first year greatly reduces cultivation. It is possible to plant saffron onion from the time of the bush, but it is better to avoid planting the onions in late July and early August, because at this time the air and the earth are very hot and it is fearful that the moisture of the bulb is lost when it is removed and It will be damaged. According to research carried out by the Industrial Research Center of Khorasan, the best time for cultivation is June.

Planting of saffron onion
To plant saffron onion, first pour one-row pits with a shovel and place in each hole from 15 to 3 onions. Planting depth of onions is 20 – 15 centimeters and should be raised upwards when planting bulbs. The onions in the depth of 20 cm in winter are protected from frost and other tensions in the environment and in the summer heat of life. For planting saffron, 5 to 4 people will participate in the process. By choosing one person with shovel holes, they choose two cultivable bulbs in categories 3 to 5 or 15.

The fourth person places the bulbs inside the holes, and the rest of the people will continue their work until the whole earth is planted. Eventually, the surface of the farm, which is flattened with a shovel or trowel that is smooth and compact, will stick to the onions. So cultivated land is released in the same way until autumn irrigation. Before irrigation, approximately 20 to 10 tons of completely dead rotted manure with a shovel is spread on the ground. After planting, the planting on the grooves is covered with a trench and a row of crops appear.

After planting the saffron bulbs, which lasts until the end of September, it takes about 15 to 10 days after planting to irrigate the farm. In different parts of Khorasan, depending on the weather conditions of the region, from mid-month of October to the first decade, the irrigation of saffron begins. Considering that the flowering of saffron is somewhat dependent on the initial water, so that harvesting of saffron is not a problem, the first water is divided among the pieces within a few days, so that during the flowering period of the parts they do not coincide. The first water of saffron is very important, and all the parts of the earth should be watered properly and uniformly so that the flowers of one piece come out together and at the same time.

After the gazebo, the farm is used for cracking bale crochet and four horns or Iranian iron cows with low depths, then trampling the ground. The breakthrough of the ground causes the flower buds to ease out of soil and grow strong and well. After the first irrigation, the first flowers of saffron will appear at intervals of 20 to 15 days. Obviously, the saffron farm does not yield a significant amount in the first year. From early April until the color of the leaves to jaundice will be done every 12 to 6 days once irrigation. After weeding, an irrigation interval is delayed until the weeds disappear and do not re-green. The last water is effective in thickening onions.

After planting and harvesting, it is necessary to hear the words of the head of the Iranian Saffron Exporters Association on packaging:
Iran’s saffron packaging should be hygienic, with the country of origin, production date and expiration, the name of the manufacturer and the name of the product.

Half of Iran’s saffron, called UAE and Spain!
About 50% of this product is exported to countries of destination such as the United Arab Emirates and Spain. Spain purchases Iran saffron in bulk, packaging it and exporting its name to other countries, introducing itself into the world.

Countries Wanting Iran Saffron:
Any country that knows the value of saffron is looking for Iranian saffron. Statistics show that the countries of Turkey, China, the UAE, Spain and the Gulf States are among the largest importers of Iranian saffron.

The financial gain of the country with golden food:
Iran has a high value for saffron and its low transportation costs can be one of the best export items for the country to add an acceptable currency to the country. In order for the country to have the most financial benefits, it must have a systematic and well-planned system.

Do you want to souvenir?
One of the most beautiful things human can do is souvenir, or better, that souvenir is a golden food that can be from Torbat Heydarieh, Bakhzar, Gonabad, Sabzevar in the province of Khorasan Razavi, Birjand in South Khorasan province and A new generation was provided in the provinces of Fars, Kerman and Lorestan.

In addition to all the materials mentioned, you need to know. Another use of saffron is a mask that is extremely useful for the skin.
Saffron mask is a natural and effective way to care for the skin. This mask is only ready in a matter of minutes, making it simple and easy. It mask the skin cool and refreshing.
Saffron for Iranian kitchens is worth the gold. Saffron is well known for centuries and for centuries, it has been famous for the flavor and taste of food, and the taste and ease of the taste of saffron does not replace any other spices. But did you know how much saffron has the extraordinary properties of the skin?
According to the website, saffron makes skin transparent, in the ancient Egyptian mask of Queen Celo Pato has been the mask of saffron. Saffron fade facial wrinkles, and most importantly it is used to improve acne and facial wicking. Most of the expensive night cream and creams use this combination to eliminate wrinkles and eliminate wrinkles. It is true that the price of saffron is also high, but it is very small compared with other health care worms. The problem with many people who say home masks do not affect our skin is that they do not continue to cure because they do not spend a lot. Only one or two times the use of a mask is bored, but they spend a lot of money on buying varieties. Worms force them to constantly use, if they have the same patience for home remedies, they’ll see hundreds of times better.
A mask of milk and saffron is very famous for skin rejuvenation. Just add a tablespoon of milk with a teaspoon of saffron. Add two drops of geranium oil and leave for 20-30 minutes on the face. For the ingredients on the skin Do not spill the sponge onto your skin with slowly tapping to get its water.
So, soak the sponge and clean the material after half an hour. Wash with lukewarm water. Do not try to rub it on the face. After 2 hours, it is cleaned. If you hurry, mix it with yoghurt and oatmeal. Massage the skin to make the skin white.
Saffron masks are very useful for removing the place of burning.
A teaspoon of saffron
One tablespoon of yogurt or sour cream
A teaspoon of honey
3 to 4 drops of ylang ylang oil or coconut oil (optional)

Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply on your face and neck if you do not want to paint your hands. Use soft soft. Leave for half an hour. After half an hour, with a sponge or make-up, remove the material from the face and rinse it with lukewarm water. Like a mask, do not worry about jaundice, and if you’re in a hurry, peel off with oats and yogurt.

Of all this, let’s not talk about saffron, but do not pay attention to the order of foods that saffron plays in them!
At first, it is better to mention the methods of making saffron in cooking

Brewing saffron

Pour a teaspoon of powdered dried saffron and pour it in a small teapot containing about a boiling water bottle. Take the tea on an indirect heat or samovar so that it stays soft and light over the course of 20 minutes to half an hour. You can use this liquid to taste and paint food and dishes. You can also put 1/3 teaspoons of saffron in a teapot with tea to kill the tail and eat a saffron tea bottle of flavor and flavor.

In the second method, put enough saffron powder in a dish and place a few pieces of ice on it and leave it at room temperature, gradually thawing the ice, the saffron color leaves zero degrees of saffron and dissolves in water. To be This color is both more aromatic and more coherent than the traditional method of boiling water and brewing.
The amount of ice used depends on the amount of saffron powder you have. For half a teaspoon of saffron powder, two pieces of ice in the size of the ice maker’s ice maker is enough. If you need more saffron color, increase the amount of saffron and ice powder with the same proportion.
You can keep this solution in a properly sealed container in a freezer and be sure that the lovely color of Iranian saffron is always ready for use.

In the photos below, you will see the food and desserts that the saffron has in their flavor and color. Soon their orders will be placed in Aka Iran.

source: akairan /com