Exchange technology export of saffronExchange technology export of saffron


News reports quoting the Press Club credit in 93 150 tons of saffron worth 220 to 230 million dollars were exported to European countries, Spain and the UAE are the major export product.
Iranian saffron is produced in the world consume about 200 tons of global markets and $ 2,000 per kilo of saffron exchange technology.

According to statistics, 93 years about 833 tons of watermelon at a price of 700 USD per kilo was issued, the number of liters of water, and only 22Mylyvn 208Mylyard dollars to Iran in exchange for the export of the product imported.

Iranian melon quality was approved.

It is noteworthy that, in the export of saffron have tried to brand the product’s price and quality Iranian saffron brand Dlalgran not destroy the other not known countries since last month saffron turbulent and volatile market because fraudsters buy branches The price of a kilo of saffron, white two million and 500 thousand USD, it carcinogenic chemical dyes, called saffron, saffron is more expensive than originally sold to the public and at least two million pound profit.

Agriculture Commission President Abbas Rajai Parliament with emphases on low water problems in the country, said the arrival of high water use crops for export cycle cost and not money.
Arak representative noted that export agricultural products in preference to have more exchange technology and issued by the appropriate crops.

He added that given that at least 30 liters of water to grow a kilo of watermelon in such a situation of virtual water is transferred through agricultural products to neighboring countries.

Shirmohammadi said saffron exports should be managed well because the brokerage, saffron exacerbate price volatility.

Agricultural engineer stating that the consumer products dedicated to our limited water resources, we noted: investment and attracting tourists due to the many tourist attractions in Iran, export of saffron and honey good exchange technology will bring to our country.

He added per hectare for the cultivation of watermelon, 10 thousand cubic meters of water that the product is suitable crops, such as saffron crop pattern is not clear.

Agricultural engineer added: tomatoes, melons, cucumbers and vegetables 2 to 2.5 times the water consumption of wheat that was planted in the crop pattern makes clear that the climate is not cost effective to produce and export.

He said some farmers more profitable and pest because of the atmosphere, land under melon cultivation allocated to the country in the absence of water is wasted.

Shirmohammadi stating that greenhouse conditions in terms of ecology and the environment is not suitable for the cultivation of watermelon, stressed that the right to regulate the cultivation of watermelon can be sent to the domestic and foreign markets.

red gold production of 92, 311 tons in 94 Fortunately cultivation is expected to increase by 10 percent.

What comes to the dollar? The loss of water resources of our country, certainly in the future we will need to import the same products that you have to export it happy.

The exports have all aspects of the standard and quality of the packaging are properly adhered to and in accordance with the request of target countries, sent to export markets that all of this is expensive.